Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Monday, August 28, 2006
throw a GREEN brick into the RED SEA u get.
a wet brick. :x
Saturday, August 26, 2006
but blogger doesnt allow me to upload pics.
hurry tag ur answers to th lame question leh :DD
nice answer xiaotian. so creative :p
Friday, August 25, 2006
make a guess, tag the tagboard with ur answers :D
i'll post the answers when i happy. HAHAH! :DD
Sunday, August 20, 2006
whatever kind of fruits.
whatever kinda veg.
and dad is FORCING ME TO EAT VEG & FRUITS. doomsday.
they even bought bananas :( I HATEEE.
im in for a hard hard time :( OH CRAPPP. somebody save me :(
on the other hand, my mozilla's looking wayyyyyy cool now. aw, dont give me that MOZILLA ALL TH SAME ONE WHAT! :D
mine's cool. your's NOT! :DDD
& xt, i will stop reading ur blog :X HAHA!
i need some entertainment. ANYBODY? :( im bored to death.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
im evil
right denna aka A?
why do i have to be NICE to people who thinks SOOOO highly of themselves, doesnt listen to instructions, think they are good and start scolding seniors when in th first place, they are so much WORST.
& of course, not forgetting the fact that. we teach you guys stuffs. dont wanna listen nevermind. still wanna turn around and give attitude not realising that HELLO, we taught u guys all those stuffs.
so, do you think that you deserved to be nice too?
hey, im nice to eugene okay. im nice to deanna, im nice to tiff, im nice to yilin, im nice to fadhil, im nice to jieying. im nice to alot of people.
cept the super cocky ones. the black sheeps.
sad to say, my niceness has a bad habit of being particular over WHO and WHAT it wants to show it's niceness too. oh shit, a load of crap.
& wait a min, do i have t explain why am i nice? uh-uh. no explanations needed.
oh, & you may wanna flame me or whatever crap. i dont give a damn.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
stupid mom.
apprently she doesnt know that i packed my stuffs. HAHA. wahtever man
give me attitude if u want lar. fuck.
now dad's angry with you and you come scold me? LOL. wtf.
call me a bitch fuck cheebye. fuck fuck fuck
1. my own set of teeth
2. my retainers ( my second set of teeth )
& retainers are damn cool now they even have black modules. :(((( and for 2and a half years, i didnt dare t mix colors. LOL! now eugene's showing off his colorful braces. GRR.
sometimes, pain from the tightening is also damn cool :) that includes rubber bands! :D so interesting. :DD
ohwels. it's troublesome. LOL.
all th best for ur exams eh? ((: better study hard huh! (: hope u liked my gift. :D *loved. (:
and stop getting into trouble okay. hahaha :D im not so free th nxt time alr hor :D
i love hot dogs!
& cleared out my cupboard. dumped tons of things. :) now it's kinda empty.
but clothes are still hanging all over my bed, cause i've yet to hang them up and keep them in th cupboard. :))
ohwels. im gonna nap now.
and WLM is always screwing up. CRAPPPPP.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
woke up at 10ish. went t meet esther & mag. I GOT MY BAG ALR :) so in love with it.
i think tdy's the day i took the MOST number of bus rides. :D took 75, then change to 61. got my bag, took 61 back to shell, took 961 to stagmont, took 307 t school.
the chinese security guard is DAMN GOOD! :) he let us in knowing that we're the regulars. unlike th stupid malay guard. GRR.
went in, chionged for lunch. stingray again. ate damn fast lar! & the stupid hum ji johnathan went missing after we finish eating!
oh yea, terry. you damn efficient leh. we reached sch at 135, kc, sl, jj, reeve & cynthia were all outside liao. steady..
then nevermind lor. waited at th block downstairs for damn long lar. stupid hum ji kia! bully my xiaodidi, how dare you. GRRR. den still wanna act seh call people down siaaa. im so scared pleaseeee.
show over. ending? the stupid dumb hum ji kia say SUA. wah piang eh, say until so song somemore. give you face nia. SEC 1 KIDDDDY.
went back school. took their bags & went t macs with them. LOL. teached sandra stuffs, told her what to study and all that. crapped with th juniors. LALA.
went t kerv's place for dinner. yadayada. came home.
now i wanna sleep. im damn tired.
tomorrow is stay home day, dear's going out. I GOT NOWHERE TO GO MA. :(
& not fair lor, he can wake up to go out with his friends, den he cannot wake up to go dental with me. WTH! :( already said, his friends more important den me. UNFAIR UNFAIR.
i mailed my cousin ytd, but have yet to receive her reply. hmm. :( ohwels.
sandra's doing my livejournal skin! :) dont worry. i wont move. maybe FRIENDS only ba :))
toodles. :)
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
im amazed
just ATM ATM ATM. NETS NETS NETS. and tadah! i spend more then i should. OH GREATTT.
i need a job :( i need a damn job! :(
going out on 5 different days, and i spend 136.8bux. great?
40.8bux spend on cabbing :(
70.3bux spend on food! OMGGGGG. hahahaha.
i need to work :(
i spend a total of 200+ this month. and th month is not over. still have yet to claim 60 over bux from people. :((((( blarhhh.
& im going to get my bag tmr. that adds another 60bux! OMGGG. ohyes! :) yena reserved my bag. woohoo! :D im happy. but burns a hole in my pocket :(
im so dead.
i dont know why i spend money like water. WHY? :((
oh whatever man :( gng t give tuition tmr somemore, i shld charge lar! HAHA.
ohman, i better keep track of my spendings :( SIGH.
toodles. i still dont know how to change my skin :(
& had hotdogs. DAMN SHIOK. & i was craving for porridge :( but i was damn full alr. now im damn hungry :(
bot eugene his bday present, with a nice me to you card. HELLO. im so nice okay? GR. & i made him carry th present everywhere he went. HAHAHA.
band was alright. warmup & Scales were boring. and i went off with eugene after that.
now im damn hungry
im not destined t get my bag :( it was also th last piece at lot's converse. GRRR.
now i hate converse. gotta search for another bag soon :( my money is drying out & im so damn broke alr la! :((
toodles. im sleepy.
i thought supposed to sleep early, wake up early? how come, my body system is sleep early, wake up late. sleep late, wake up early?
rachie is weird/dumb & lame :)
since i had so much time, i set myself thinking. wtf am i gonna do after i graduate. i know it's still long long long time away but still. what can i do? i thought of signing on & work for the
okay, so army option is out. next? companies? work in what companies? & face chances of getting retrenched & all that crap especially in this dog eat dog society?
sigh, i know i think too much but really. wtf can i do man? :(
go be a full time saxophone player? basking in orchard road? and hopefully when mediacorp comes up with some project to get talented people to form an orchestra for example, PROJECT ORCHESTRAAAA! lame. & i'll be in? fwahaha!
i'm one big slacker :( i didnt even manage to complete grade 6 piano theory & practical. im really going nowhere in life. :(
why am i being so philosophical now?
since im so free now, i'll go create a new collage & create a new skin. and remove this rather, OLD skin.
so what do i do after i graduate? :) ahh, work & study part-time.
Monday, August 14, 2006
wormy fireworks
worm fireworks :D

dont they look like WORMS? lol. worms in th sky. hmmmm :D
and yes, nice lil maggie is transposing scores for me, and her notes are DAMN HUGE. i mean DAMNNN. i wonder how many pages my score's gonna be. hrm. LOL. i think she go & use th fullscap's lines. WTH! ahhahaha. huge notes :D
benji & lizhen, i think they look good tgt. or maybe, lizhen's bf and benji have th same SPECS. haa :x
the five kuku ideas (: my love.
spastic yena :p
the tornado they saw.. i didnt see la :( i was at th other end of th beach.
kengtheng sleeping wit spiderman. fwaa.
i love them :D
hello 1t02 :D i look stupid.
OKAY. lazy alr :D continue tmr or smthng..
gonna give tuition to cassandra xiaomeimei on wed. IM NICE OR WHAT? :))
toodles! :D
vids (:
Sunday, August 13, 2006
cabbed down to siloso. $16.20 from church. OMGGG. ): not forgetting 2bux of entrance fee, but CHEAP LEH! lizhen they all paid 3bux. LOL.
had fun. burnt, red, tired, sleepy, look drunk.
dinner at billybombers. $27.80
total damages. 47.40
WTF?!?! i spend 50bux in a DAY?
stupid cabbing habit, its eating all my money up. & its a bad habit. STOP STOP STOP!! :(
no more cabbing ><
dental appt tmr. OHWELS. im tired.
time to sleep :))
i dont know whats with me, why am i blogging like this?
Saturday, August 12, 2006
messed up.
but apparently, FRIENDSHIPS cant be kept anymore. can it? the matter is getting worst and worst. each party is just tu-ing the other party. when's it gonna end..?
we were all friends to start with. no?
part of me feels guilty. had i not, so enthusiastically asked y'all t church none NONE of this wld have happened.
sorry maggie.
things are really getting out of hand. lets just forget that all this ever happen can we? i doubt so. one thing never changes. in the past or now. both of you still as stubborn -shakes head.
maggie, study hard kay. i hope i dont see as much angst as before in your entries. :D
& dont think so much alr! dont say words of hatred. okay? chill & calm down!
& i got all th photos/videos from alr :D it's damn hilarious to see shawn dance. i was laughing so madly & mom thought i was crying. whatthe...
im uploading it to youtube now :D then i'll post it up here la! den can see lizhen doing th sexy dance, and the retarded us doing th leanback thing because th song was playing leanback. LOL
& i ate carls jr. ytd! :D damn big portion. blew 12 bucks off a MEAL. a DINNER. i could've eaten steamboat & watch fireworks too! but ohwels. th meal is good. didnt finish everything tho.
i'm really not destined to have my bag. :( no more stock's coming in cause that was for th worldcupseason.
ohwels, im still thinking of whether i shld go sentosa tmr. :(( & yeh, my table's more or less packed. & i should really go to bed soon. :D church tmr.. and sentosa. I REALLY DONT KNOW.
mom ironed my clothes for me :D
11 Aug
and now, i suddenly have a mental block and forgot what i wanted to blog about.
& im not, destined to have my converse bag? suntec - last piece. cwp - last piece. GREAT LAR :( shawn is checking out th JP outlet for me. since he's going over there :D thanks shawnie.
i gotta pack my room up if i wanna go out tmr. they're gng sentosa. :)) but i dont know if i wanna join them. thank goodness XXXX is not going. who knows, we might end up on a tour around everywhere again :D
i've got tons of appointments nxt week. okay, not tons, only 2. AHHA. i've a dental appointment on monday, & urhhh.. urinary thread appt @ NUH on sat.
okay, i'll blog again when im bored.
for now, im gonna rewatch initial D & pack up my table. HUGE MESS.
before & after photo coming up! :D
today is a bad day.
stupid childish ah bengs. WAH SO SCARED OF YOU. 999, see who bigger?
stupid tour around oriental/pan pac hotels. some smart alex made us walk ONE HUGE ROUND. when we could've have walked. STRAIGHT. thru the air conditioned underpass/overpass.
im tired. mom's pissed with me. you are angry with me. i feel th gap already.
im pissed.
but then, on a lighter note. :) i think i'll score well for my COS paper. full of confidence and trying not to laugh when i was doing th paper :) it was worth. staying in school to study instead of going home to sleep. every single thing that i memorised, CAME OUT. :)
that makes me happy. and NO, im not gonna get 50.5 for my paper AGAIN :)) this time, i'll get 70 & above. I HOPE. :)
Friday, August 11, 2006
my throat is hurting, voice is coarse. i hope my voice dont get scrwd or whatever man. i dont wanna have a sexy voice. BLA..
i guess my confidence level is upped by abit. i think i can pass the paper la. HOPEFULLY. :) i dont wanna repeat COS la.
file management, memory management.. caching buffering spooling..
computer bio :) HOW COOL.
no, there's no eye on th computer nor th mouth..
aunty, teh-o ping BU YAO niu nai huh? teh-o got no milk alr what...
eh, your teh-o PING cold one ah? DUH! teh o PING leh...
hahah lame shitt! hahaha :D
toodles. :D
demo over.
sigh, he's still angry with me. i dont know what to do la. fine okay its my fault. ohwels. everything i do also doesn't work solve things.
i feel like sleeping now. only slept for like, urh 6 hours? got paper later somemore. like wtf lar! havent study anything at all.
but then again, java over :) im a happy girl. and mani laughed at me la. that sucker. my code doesnt work properly & ha, he laughed damn loudly. blarhs.
im tired la. :( i wanna sleep. i wanna go home. i wanna... i wanna....... sleep...
toodles. :( i love. you.
[ edit ]
im so tired that nothing goes into my mind. he's still angry. ohwells. :(
peeps getting O lvl chinese tdy. HA HA HA. over already! :)))) last year. cool la! c5 :D not bad ley :D
im so bored. so so bored.
count down, 2 hours 30 mins t start of COS paper & 4 more hours to END of exams. END of school :)
and the stupid people in class just scrwd up th projector crap. HAHAHA the gear is spoilt or something lar...
okay, waiting for th stupid google video to load.. :)
poor innocent guy. FWAHAHAHA.
ohwhatever yabadabadooo. im still craving for egg mayo sandwich.
i want my converse bag.
exam sucks. im sickk. in the brain.
bad night
sometimes i wonder, what goes on in RACHEL'S mind.
my eyes are swollen. i dont have enough sleep. i'm leaving for school in 20mins. i really didn't wish to wake up. if not for that stupid java demo.
im anxious, stomach's churning. i dont know how to crap thru my program. mistakes all over. testplan not perfect. i should've done my code according t the testplan.
ohwells, i think mani suck as a java lecturer. we dont even have th qns paper printed out for us la. wtf. im really really realllly tired.
tired to th extent of being lazy to bring my laptop for demo. just stick my thumbdrive into one of their laptops will do.
no, laptop isn't that important to me that wherever i go, i must have it with me. yes it's portable, but it's heavy. yes, i can msn on the move but still.
i dont know what im talking about. just being damn random.
wish me luck for my paper & stupid demo. :(
i is gonna wear back th same pants as ytd. no, it doesn't smell. but i need big pockets. CAUSE IM LAZY TO BRING A BAG. i dont wanna bring a big huge ass bag :D my sling bag's with maggie.
im gonna get a bag SOON. a small one & a big one.
im sorry :( i love you.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
i wonder
my mom never fails to DISTURB ME/IRRITATE ME/ MAKE ME PISSED/ MAKE ME GIVE UP ON MY WORK when im rushing for project completion/exams/homework or whatever that makes me really uptight.
and consequences? i get damn fucking pissed off and say things like dont disturb me lar, shut up lar i dont wanna talk, ni bu yao fan wo ke yi ma? and tadah, we get into a cold war.
i fucking hate this kinda thing lar. why cant she like FIND the right time to scold. i know that my room is damn messy I KNOW. i cant stand it either but i DONT HAVE TH FUCKING TIME to pack now.
just WAIT TILL MY EXAMS ARE OVER i'll clear the whole bloody room out lar.
damn pissed. i already cleared some of my clothes. and if i clear everything, you say i spoil your washing machine, whole washing machine is full and bla bla. I DONT KNOW WHATS UR PROBLEM.
you ask me to hang up my jeans/pants/shorts whatever behind the door. and when i hang it there, YOU COME AND SAY SO MUCH CLOTHES HANGING BEHIND, COLLECTING DUST ALREADY. bloody contradicting okay?
totally puts me off. whats wrong with mom's nowadays?
oh well. my relationship with my mom has never been good. oh wait, it was good when im not with kervin. she's doing this on purpose or what?
one minute, you know that i wont object. if i want to object i would have done it long ago
the other minute. FOR THE PAST coming to 2 YEARS. every fucking thing is WRONG to you. cept during the times that im not with him. MY OH MY what the @#*(@$)(* is your problem?!?!
i'll pack my room when i cant find place to do my work. i am partially a perfectionist also. when i see things are REALLY REALLLLY getting out of hand. I WILL PACK THINGS ON MY OWN.
my room is REALLY messy now. i need to pack it, but i still have my exams going on. just wait wait wait until my exams are over PLEASE?
my CPU/LCD MONITER is on the floor next to me. i cant roll my chair around cause i'll crash into it.
the area where my LCD moniter + keyboard was is littered now with the stupid graphic card box, stacks of paper, lunchboxes, waterbottles,tissuepaper, EVERYTHING. i just dumbed everything there, so that i've space to write.
im just making myself pissed. oh whatever.
& worst. im so tired i cant even scream at her or whatever. and kervin? out playing basketball. nobody to rant to. even if i rant, i'll get scolded.
sometimes i wonder, does anybody even think about my feelings? how the #@$(*&#) stressed am i? how unhappy i feel? how pissed i get? how unreasonable things can get and I CAN SAY NOTHING?
im tired of this fucking life thats nothing but SCHOOL, GOOD GRADES, GOOD THIS GOOD THAT. a stupid PIECE OF PAPER that determines your future. close to 20 years of STUDYING and spend the next half of your life SLOGGING it out to get a measly 4 figure pay & then getting the shit from your children after you've retired. SLOG IT OUT and bring up your child & get dumped in a old folks home some day.
im pissed. with every single thing.
not being able to meet you because you're out with your friends & that many a times, you choose your friends over me is not helping at all.
wtfwtfwtfwtfwtfwtfwtfwtfwtf. WTFFFFFF. bloody life.
but a huge sense of relieve now that my ComputingMaths paper is over :) i feel super lethargic ( ?!? ) i even feel like sleeping when im walking. my maths paper? 50% pass :) confirm plus chop. whether i'll get extra marks is another thing.
im happy that i went for crash course, just did th paper over and over again la. & the exam paper was about th same as the revision exercises. how i wished COS also had this kinda thing. wishful thinking rachie.
there's COS paper tomorrow. ohwells, spend some time in school after the paper to revise. i guess we spend most of our time eating, laughing and joking. but i did some studying :D im tired though :( really really tired. i need a big big rest after my last paper tomorrow.
& there's java demo tomorrow somemore. that im scared and worried. & heard that mani resigning & nxt week's his last week. ohwels. HAPPY LA! :))
had pathetic dinner consisting of tomyam seafood maggi mee & ribena + green tea. ohwels. :( later gotta do some urh, crunches.
& my friends are lame, they went and deflate th birthday cake in th middle of th atrium & they made this guy the victim. POOR THING LEH.
gotta be in school by 915 tmr, demo at 930 :( den gonna chiongggggg COS until paper starts. paper starts at 430 :D then its exams over! woohoo :)
im lazy t bring my laptop tmr for demo :( so i'll just use one of their lappies with my thumbdrive :D
rachie is lazy.
laters :)
AHH! :( okay, at least i understand some stuff now. hopefully i can pass this paper la! :( nono, more then pass. must at least get a B ranged grade. else im gonna fail this module, NO! :(
im gonna get my bag later! :)) YAYNESS. maggie is right, i must pamper myself. HAHA.
and early in the morning at the busstop i saw him. EEEWSH. HAHA!
okiedokie, back to studying. blog later la! :))
wahahaha. okay. :) im joking. HAHAHA. sometimes i wonder, is she really a girl? or worst, HELLO, u pervert ah? :P
excuse me, stop concluding nonsense. LOL i can borrow you my cam if you wanto. HAHA.
hahahaha. i see hatred. :) but what to do? life's like this.
SCHOOLLLL later. gonna go for CM crash course on probability distrubutions & then go for my exams. AHHH! and my nose is running like nobodies business. i wonder why?

a nice lambo, for your viewing pleasure :) courtesy of ryan's cam, larry. :)
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
they definitely dont know how to appreciate the opportunities they are given & stuff.
our batch wanted to perform for balloon hat festivals but did we? we didnt manage to register. GREAT.
our batch wanted to go to genting to perform & compete but did we? we didnt manage to register. GREAT.
our batch put in so much hardwork to get a silver for SYF but what happen now? we didnt manage to keep th standard. DOUBLY GREAT.
our batch gone thru so much shit - attitude problem, pissing teachers off, not happy, internal fights - just to build up the band and make it decent afterall but what happen now?
i cant say for the rest of th sections, maybe they are as close knitted as before. but i'm disappointed in my own section. yilin, if you're reading this, it's not your fault alright? :)
im disappointed in the sec 2s. they sure dont have any respect for the seniors. everybody has said, blog is something on the WORLD WIDE WEB, everybody can see it. :) and too bad for you. i found your blog.
after my exams end, be prepared to see me unity OFTEN. at least often enough for you to get your own desserts. please for goodness sake, show some respect for your seniors can? you think that you're great when you're not you're only a sec 2 kid. how great can you be? you sucked big time with attitude problem the beginning u stepped into band.
eye sore.
AND SINCE WHEN WERE BAND MEMBERS WOODBLOCKS? i seriously think you've a problem. you are then th woodblock. UGHH.
and since when can you compliment urself? or your friend? do you even know the defination of "playing beautifully" ?
i swear im beginning to hate th sec 2 batch. UGH. my dear sec 1, please please dont be like ur senior. i pray and hope and do whatever i can. please dont be like them.
i think if th sec 1 can make it, i'll probably propose to make him SL of saxophone section. at least better then giving it to you people who think that u're oh-so-great. oh yes, i got back up already! plan put thru :)
and chengji, if you are think you are great. :) think again okay? dont be so arrogant miss. you're not at all good.
tuesday. band.
you shall see.
pictures :D
put up some pictures. & i still think that kaira gong? is not pretty. ohwels, the works of photoshop, but then again, real live cant do photoshop right? :)

haha, she figured out where to look at.

she looks stoned. & i love my hair in this pic. SO NICE. black hair rox! hahaha & i realise one thing. we've th same eyes. HAHA. one big one small with eyebags. :D
TADAH! my neckermann's! :D

so pretty right :) eyecandy! :D

and, this guy proposed to his girlfriend in th stadium COOL LEH. i also want :( kervin? :D
im gonna stay near wherever national day's gonna held next time :) den can see live fireworks & airplanes without having t squeeze. :D
& dad just came back from work. whoever said civilservants have comfortable lives? earn big money, sit in office shake leg national day also must go back work. LOL.
ohwels :) enough photos? HAHA, lazy t post alr la.
just received photos from the steamboat@deb's place. but that's like so long ago. shall post my spastic photos another time :) now, it's time to check out some blogs. ehem, nothing good i guess.
will be going to school earlier tmr to study, and learn somethings from my smartass friends UGH.
tomorrow is CM paper. and whatthefuckinghell. i know NUTS about that subject. cept for probability? whatever distrubution can go kiss ass la.
and im damn pissed off with my mom also. WTF CAN. always when im doing such shit rushing and squeezing things into my mind rushing for exams/project. she definitely has to come in to my room and just FLARE UP and show her temper at me. like wtf lar? you got work I GOT SCHOOL. you finished your f*ing business in school education or what nots. hello, i havent.
the bloody pace singapore is going at now is so FUCKING DIFFERENT. all you want is perfection. wtf? im sorry im not capable of giving you perfection and HELLO, I AM FINE LIVING IN A PIG STY .
i feel like just burning my books and not turning up for exam tomorrow.
whatever. i hate school hate books hate everyfuckingthing that has something to do with school.
tomorrow is CM paper. and whatthefuckinghell. i know NUTS about that subject. cept for probability? whatever distrubution can go kiss ass la.
and im damn pissed off with my mom also. WTF CAN. always when im doing such shit rushing and squeezing things into my mind rushing for exams/project. she definitely has to come in to my room and just FLARE UP and show her temper at me. like wtf lar? you got work I GOT SCHOOL. you finished your f*ing business in school education or what nots. hello, i havent.
the bloody pace singapore is going at now is so FUCKING DIFFERENT. all you want is perfection. wtf? im sorry im not capable of giving you perfection and HELLO, I AM FINE LIVING IN A PIG STY .
i feel like just burning my books and not turning up for exam tomorrow.
whatever. i hate school hate books hate everyfuckingthing that has something to do with school.
national day
the country that progress the fastest, now that we're all so hyped up and everything. country is progressing well and stuff. please slow down, i cant catch up with this pace you're setting for everyone. and especially the innocent kids, i wonder when will we start to slow down. i think it'll never happen tho. cause once we slow down. we'll never be able travel this fast anymore.
if you put me in some slow paced country like perth, i'll really appreciate it, altho feeling weird.
but anyhow, well spent day. have yet to start studying, i feel like sleeping but, i cant. ugh.
woke up at 10ish tdy :D im a big ass pig. i know. and went to pick grandpa up for lunch. wento suntec's SOUP RESTAURANT :D yummy ginger chicken! :) and lotus soup. bill also looked rather, yummy. :D
walked around carrefour & got groceries for tonight's dinner. dad's on standby :( i saw the converse bag! really nice leh :((
probably gonna start studying soon. on national day what the hell? :( slow down Singapore. Slow downnnnn.... you're as fast as a viper, drive like a lao kok kok please. :(
went up to grandpa's house. ryan saw grandma's picture there and got a shock. what a joke. it's been say, close to 6 months that i've never been up to grandma's house. everything's still the same. the calender remained at 26th febuary 2006 the day that grandma was admitted to the hospital. it has never been torn since then. you know the kinda of calenders that you've t tear each day away.
oh well.
ryan brought back a RC car. & rayna? nothing. i bet mom's gonna throw away th car sooner or later. LOL. my room's in a big huge mess. i had better start clearing things up and have a CLEAN ROOM.
i shall name it... Project Room Cleaning. people got project superstar ma :D i got roomcleaning lor!
ahhh well, took photos again BUT, i am lazy to post up.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
today s&w's cool man! we kinda challenged each group and there were a few, cant dance but wanna act hiphop people yup not that i can dance. but at least, i can abit la. and then, we were made to face one partner and do the same steps, BUT OPPOSITE DIRECTION. ann sure is evil.
and i faced a senior la. and everybody's like so blur cause she made us move around alot. LOL. super kanchiong. but dont care la. just think of myself. & i always didnt manage to do the last part right. HAHA.
im thinking of going out to continue learning. but no idea if dad & mom wld allow anot. its kinda fun sweating & enjoying. :)
oh whatever. im damn tired now :( i wanted to go for a swim just now. but couldn't find anybody to go with me. i just wanna swim la, nidda work off some calories & get back my broad shoulders &
i tried to do some maths & revise abit. but im only done with 2 questions. i dont know HOW HOW HOW i'm gonna do well in my papers or whatever la! whole of thursday will be spend chionging ComputingMaths. and whole of friday, will be spend chionging CompOpSys. :( & of course, doing my java demo.
life in poly sure flies past damn quickly. it's already national day again :( that fast. & every week goes damn quickly la :( its already tuesday night, and i've a paper on thursday. tmr's national day.
sigh, i guess im fated to chiong the whole day tmr also? maybe after lunch or something with grandpa tmr, i'll just go down to macs & study or something la. UGH. my maths is so gonna die :(
someone save me.
i need to exercise :( ohwells.
im tired. i need to sleep. it's damn smoky out there tdy, cause of all th burnings and stuff. people take care, drink loads of water eh :) and becareful where you're stepping on/at.
still contemplating abt gng for th 2/8 outing with miss kom & the rest. not keen on th rest tho. SHALL SEE HOW. anyhow, exams are gonna be over on that day.
i uploaded pics alr. but, lazy to post. im tired okayyy.
muscles are building up on my arms. NO NO, wrong place. :((
quick update before i head on to school. i dreadddd going to school now. cause i feel so sleepy :( only had like, 6 hours plus of sleep.
caught up with miss aw & miss kom. miss kom huh, practically wrestled me la. and she smacked me on my ass. and she wanted to show me the middle finger WAH PIANG EHH.
miss kom, you are dumb :p HAHAHA! this kinda teachers bully student. and she says im not a student anymore.
:D had much fun disturbing miss aw. i love both of them :D th best teachers that taught me in my whole.. life at this moment. however, i dont think my poly teachers will be much better.
so i classify them THE BEST :D minus away th line writings, the occasional outburst at us :D
ohwels, national day... boring. but then again :D had fun la! with esther, laughing at all th kiddies. & this year's overall planner was miss aw. SO SHE'S LAME & you get lame ideas. like yam seng - local wedding dinner style with new water and and, POPPING BALLOONS.
enjoyed myself. with my friends and catching up with teachers.
now, it's back to getting ready for school. last lesson for S&W. better not skip it :D i dont wanna repeat this module :) prolly gonna cab home later. LAZY LA :D
laters. :) i love my baby. :D
Monday, August 07, 2006
unity sec
im going back to unity sec with the sec sch mates tmr. lazy t list la. getting longer and longer.
one year ago, i would've have t be in sch damn early, running around in heels. and then blowing our asses off. stand up for singapore. bla bla bla.
was supposed to perform actually. but then again, didnt go for band pracs and stuff. ohwels. sometimes i wonder how much's my commitment level. im halfway thru printing my notes, and dad suddenly locked th door. cant retrieve my notes :( ohwels.
unity sec, here i come :) okay la. im bored.
oh yes, did i mention, polictics in class started alr. :)
ohwels. laters :))
SCHOOOLLL. ended for me.
but ohwels, my kind class rep has agreed to photocopy answers for me & the two lazy bugs who didnt go to sch as well. :D maybe i shall go do the revision exercise first before referring to th answers :D i hope i'm able to catch up.
and my dad had better share the printer fast, cause i need t print out my java code & all th COS lectures available :D i need to start studying. :)
okay enough about school.
so i went home early, finish watching th two dvds =D and now i'm waiting for more :(
met up with my baby and gave him a BIG BEAR HUG! :D had seoul garden, damn bloated. walked around and stuff. :( felt kinda sad cause of something he said, but really the phone's not worth. at least not now :(
saw a button up long sleeve from giordano, but didnt get it. :(
reach home for not even an hour & had dinner. SUPER BLOATED. apparently, i didn't get muscle aches tdy. :) a few more situps tdy.
was planning t go swim tmr, BUT. no one wanna accompany me and and, might be gng t school earlier t study (:
ohwell :) gonna make some tea for myself t wake me up, and to clear my bloated stomach. hope it helps tho :)
for now, i need t install my printer. and PRINT NOTES.
and oh yes, don't ever place judgement on first impression. it aint good :D and and, sometimes, i tend to think again, on who to trust. for now? its only my baby. :)
Sunday, August 06, 2006
nothing much t blog actually :) got another pair of cargos. YES! and a pair of denim shorts. i got big thighs :( i need exercise. mom says im fat. HAHA, i agree. but whatever. i'm just a bag of lazy bones. sit in front of th comp and enjoyyy :P
ohwels. school tomorrow again. i've this COS shit t complete, and CM's revision exercise which im not keen in doing AT ALL. its boring :( just submitted my JAVA. and say BYE BYE. :)
ohwels. nothing much alr la :( im just tired. nothing interesting happen today. :)
but anyway, been having mutton soup lately. LOL. th one at beauty world not bad. the western is cheap! :)
Saturday, August 05, 2006
steamboat 2
oh anyway, WEEJIAN WON NPIDOL -chinese :D
okay. :D
so after looking around for my cargo pants and stuff. we sat at starbucks. wanted to get something t drink. but think again, ohwels. we'll be stuffing our stomach with food soon. so might as well go for food. and i saw lizhen's bf for th first time! :D i thought it was one-of-the-many-friends-shawn-has again. and i disturbed her :p why never hold hands ah? wooops.
headed to mari-nabay. LOL. and chiong up th bus with people shouting @*#&@*&$ behind. hahaha. it was damn funny. reached, and settled down & suddenly there was an explosion behind. like wtf? scared th hell outta me and i didnt dare go near th stove at all. haha! cause of th explosion. some stupid fool left a lighter under th stove how great?
so they started eating and all. and i was damn scared of th oil splattering around la. thanks to the stupid explosion. i sat a meter away from the stove, and they dumbed all the soup stuff on my plate, and i started eating that. im not a soupy person, but too bad. lol.
ken dropped a toufu or something which he took out from th soup into the "bbq" part and caused a big commotion. oil flew, hit ryan on th right eye and shawn on the left hand, of course he got most of the impact. phew. it's good to be cautious and sit far far away :D
i started eating when all of them were full. i had th whole stove to myself la! haha. and we were bitching and stuff. yada yada. i cook nice chicken! :) was meant for myself to eat la :( since i was so afraid of the stupid oil and stuff. and only started cooking when everything die down. after i cook th first batch, i left it on the "cooked food plate" infront of ryan. and started cooking th second batch. and when i put the second batch of cooked chicken on th plate, i realise the first batch is gone. my cooking is good! :D its a matter of whether i wanna do it anot :p haha! yenaaa, my chicken is good. and ryan said he doesnt eat chicken. HUH?
so it was time to go home after doing some jumping stunts. jumping over th railings and stuff. and we chased after th bus to the MRT station. shawn wanted t plan a chalet, but, bleh. it's too much of a hassle.
after we got down, shawn placed the butter, under the wheel of th bus. and we were all staring at it and ryan was being too obvious videoing it. and there was this guy who noticed it and stood behind ryan looking into his cam and all. damn funny.
so we walked ken to th station, we didnt wanna take train cause it was a long long journey home. so th smart us being lazy tried to find a way to hail cabs. walk up to the highway, walking the different direction of those construction workers going to the station den walked thru the grass patch, facing attacks of the ants & spiderwebs. and saw this stupid pipe casing that looked like a phyton's skin. scared th hell outta me. and finally, reached th tunnel that leads from the highway.
there were two guys sitting inside, filming or smthng. and i guess they must be thinking what fools we are. the exit on th other end is a highway. HAHA. lazy us la, wanted t walk to esplanade or smthng and realised, we were seperated by a big canal. TOO BAD, walked back to th station. thru the tunnel with the two guys staring at us. maybe we'll be up on YOUTUBE as th 4 stupid fools who tried to find a shortcut ahhahaha.
ended up running through another grass patch. wtf? i had grass. rayna's been repeating this words lately CANNOT WALK ON GRASS! and i agree :) we ended up on th train to city hall, and in th midst of waiting for th train to depart, shawn was taking stupid photos again. so dumb.
and we ran thru the whole raffles city because the doors were closing soon. and walk one big round to the taxi stand opposite C H I J chijmes. LOL. and we realise that we could actually walk thru bakerzinn. OH WHATEVER! lol.
called a cab home in the end. blabla. long day. but fun :) pictures another time. HAHA
msn just crashed on me, when i was drawing fireworks for yena. whathehellllll.
oh anyway, went to have breakfast with grandma & aunt tdy. i'm happy i woke up for that =D altho i was damn tired. :( but anyhow, came back and napped for an hour or so. :D
went over to expo for th furniture fair & popular mega sale. didnt get much stuff. and i love furniture sales :) can see what kinda furniture i wanna buy in th future.
went over t bugis :) got my cargo pants alr! from giordano. :) cheap and nice, looks like my dark blue one tho. HAHA, but with drawstrings at th bottom. YAYNESS. dad got a new printer. printer conked up. -.- and just shopped arnd and had stingray for dinner :)
alright, im damn tired now. gonna continue watching my show and SLEEP! tmr church, shld i go?
i need to exercise. im getting fatter and fatter. HAHA. ohwels.
BABY WHERE ARE YOU DUN SLEEEEP! :D i love my darling cause he tagged me! :)))))
okay, in chronological order i know it's gonna be boring. just skip parts you're bored with :d it's for my own, keeping anyway.
presentation was alright, fulu gave some comments. yada yada. then it was FSP, mani came in for less then 10 mins, and POOF he was gone :) and general office called our class number to look for him la, that lecturer huh, eat snake only.
but anyhow, time passed damn slowly. I FINISHED MY WHOLE ASSIGNMENT! including the additional requirements. rachel is smart :) now i just gotta print it out and everything :) do some, minor edits like the alignments and i'm done! over with FSP - for the time being :D
went for half an hour lunch at canteen 2 and we saw daphne again. she's short alright. :) went for the stupid "prize presentation" thing at LT 26. and tadah, we already expected that we're the winner :) 150bux worth of macs voucher. sorry peeps. we're good :) 1T02 is good. althoug politics is beginning to surface. :)
went to town with lizhen, yena, ryan, shawn & kenneth ( RARE ). went to fareast. i got my neckermann's! i trust yena's taste la hor. :) altho, multiple colours are really not my kind. hahaha!
went to look for ryan's gift for someone. a monkey - weird choice. HAHA, and i kept on making fun of him. HAHAHA. valerie, will you marry meee? *stuffs flower up face* HAHA. and then, went to this fashion, but uhhhh. kenna cheated la! :( no nice cargo pants. and what lizhen & yena say is right. i prolly wont wear it anymore. :)
alrighttttt.. i'm tired. & it's 1 am. i'll continue tomorrow. :D
i love my darling! :D
and i love my mates. yena, we had a fun time screaming eh? :)
Friday, August 04, 2006
and our presentation was alright, just crapped thru, as usual :D fulu says we can get about a B :D
ohwels, 3 people are teaching lizhen how to do her java. i think we're more or less completed. YAY! i should try and do my extras.
& my hp's running out of battery.
i taught lizhen earlier on. i dont know whether i teach properly :( ohwels. i hope she understands.
blog later. my thoughts are rather. messy now. so my post will come out messy. i'll blog later :D
Thursday, August 03, 2006
not coming home for dinner tmr, cause dad's not gonna come home too. so maybe, see where to mates wanna go since my baby's gonna be in school t support his friend. goodluck. :D
ohwels. :) auditionSEA. it's like o2jam la. i prefer o2jam more. :) but the same thing about both is, they are both equally laggy. i wonder, will it take as long as maplestory to reach the non laggy stage. :D
my baby is playing alot of bball nowadays huh. and we're quarreling alot nowadays too. AHHH, nevermind. be happy rachel :) but its weird. lol, one moment he's so pissed at nothing, the other moment he's so nice. possessed? better not be. :)
yadayadayadayadayada. i think i'm so gonna die for my java demo :) congrats rachie. :) finishin th proj is something big, but the demo? it'll be something bigger :)
i watched blue crush again. wanted t take down some screen shots. it's really damn cool to live in hawaii, and bikinis are what you call clothes, and riding the waves are what you call studying.
haha, i'm always dreaming in broad
goodnight. mates, are we steamboating tmr?
and oh, friends? up till now, i still cant differenciate between the true ones and the not-true-but-pretend-to-be-true ones. somehow, i'm just suspicious of everybody and, i dont trust easily. worst, i doubt my own view. well, because it has been proven true.
ahha, i watched th show again, ITS DAMN NICE LA.
toodles. :P
and other then vanessa anne hudgens, AKA gabriella. there's another rather cute girl. her actions are damn funny! kelsi aka, Olesya Rulin. :D
i swear her expressions are damn cute. LOL!
i still can't find anybody to go down to town with me ): my baby is sleepingg. HURRAY TO T02 :) pratically the whole class skipped COS. :) apparently, there were only 7 buggers in class. LOL. th rest? struggling with java in th library.
okay, this is SO random :x but its damn funny. a little girl, trying to perform in high school musical. pardon me, i've got nothing to do at home alrighttt. bloggin is my only solace. LOL.
maybe i should go take a nap or smthng :D
skipped school.
my cramps aren't hurting anymore. i wanna go to town! :( my baby is sleeping :( i wanna get my neckermann's and my cargo pants! :(
i had th worst night yesterday. my bloody cramps were bad. i fell asleep alright, but woke up to pick up my baby's call and things went haywire. could't get back t sleep. spend 30mins in th toilet, diarrheoa. wtf? it was really really bad. it's disgusting, shall leave out details.
but sad t say, i never lose any weight :( HAHA. i feel like going to town, but i've t tell my baby. and he's not awake yet! :( boohoo! awhile more and i'll be lazy :)
ohwels, majority of th class not going COS to complete their JAVA. yena & lizhen didn't turn up for CM also. what's with us skipping lessons eh?
ohwels, anyway debarrment period over. so it doesn't really matter? it's just that we'll miss our stuff for our papers and all. & i dont know why my nose's getting so runny. ugh. :(
im so damn bored. :( maybe go look for some movies t watch :D
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
no more burdens :d
how can i not be happy right? its like, NO MORE WORK! :D cept for the upcoming 2 papers & the demo for my java, and of course, the demo for our WP project - i think i'm gonna do damn badly for that one. :(
my brother is damn dumb. so what if he's taller? no matter what i'm older. and so what if he can do much better then me? i've already finish my O lvls :) going for my diploma now. unlike him, still struggling with his much useless PSLE.
ohwels. something i learn, PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE. :) from the training's i got from always waiting for my classmates. HAHA :D
ohwels. :) gonna sleep at 11 :D stomach still hurts.
there's CM & COS tomorrow :( should i study up abit? since i'm so free after completing my assignment? although there's still the extra part to add in.
laters. bloody cramps.
all thanks to the stupid cramps. i'm back home EARLY. i didnt even shop at all. bloody shit. and when im home, i cant get to sleep & my cramps dont hurt anymore. body playing a fool with me or smthng. shit this thing. my cargo pants. now i've to go down to town again. and worst, i pangseh-ed my friends la. :(
sorry yena & lizhen. i'll make it up to you all ya? (:
another thing that my stupid cramps caused. arguements. maybe i'm thinking too much. but somehow, i dont feel you with me anymore. ah, whatever.
my eyes sting, from all th crying. something's damn wrong. my emotions are taking over me, instead of me being me.
i'm lying on th bed, typing this. i feel like going back down to town again. i wanna get my damn cargo pants la! and my bag. UGH.
and i realised today that, my lappie can fit into my bag :) and i can carry it, not that heavy also. WOOHOO! but that is without the adapter/books in my bag. LOL. i need a bigger bag, and i need a outing bag. UGH.
i wasted food, only manage to finish 1/2 the plate of ham & sausage baked rice. and drank a cup of warm water. :(( ugh. i hate this la! hate this bloody cramps :(
im sorry baby. dont be mad.
the stupid bus ride to town was a killer! yena was on th verge of puking, and i? on the verge of swearing at th bus driver. BLOODY HEEELLLL. he wanna cut lanes, doesnt wanna drive properly. 3/4 th journey all i was hearing are HONKS, HONKS & MORE HONKS. maybe SMRT should conduct crash courses on how to be a courteous driver or, how to control the bus & give passengers a smooth ride. ohhhhhhhh whatever.
im watching youtube. :( nothing to do. i nidda shit, and i'll probably try to complete up my java. WOOOHOOO. im at part 5 alr :) i didnt regret going for lessons today. gained alot of help. :))
oh man, this is entry is like so random. SO SO random. i miss esther. when are we gonna get our neckermann's! :D when are we going shopping again? our last shopping trip was damn long ago :(
the mates are going for steamboat on friday. hahaha, all because of me! lol. not sure if i'm going tho :( i wanna meet up with my baby.
stomach is hurting again. whatever, i'm going to surf youtube :D best entertainment around. fwahah, gonna watch all th funkamania clips :D that's gonna take damn long tho.
toodles. :d
im so in love with high school musical's song :D gabriella aka Vanessa Anne Hudgens is damn prettttty :) hot. yea whatever i do have some lesbian tendencies - for th pretty girls :D
It's funny when you find yourself
Looking from the outside
I'm standing here but all I want
Is to be over there
Why did I let myself believe
Miracles could happen
Cause now I have to pretend
That I don't really care
I thought you were my fairytale
A dream when I'm not sleeping
A wish upon a star
That's coming true
But everybody else could tell
That I confused my feelings
With the truth
When there was me and you
I swore I knew the melody
That I heard you singing
And when you smiled
You made me feel
Like I could sing along
But then you went and changed the words
Now my heart is empty
I'm only left with used-to-be's and
Once upon a song
Now I know your not a fairytale
And dreams were meant for sleeping
And wishes on a star
Just don't come true
Cause now even I can tell
That I confused my feelings
With the truth
Because I liked the view
When there was me and you
I can't believe that I could be so blind
It's like you were floating
While I was falling
And I didn't mind
Cause I liked the view
whoooo whooooooo
I thought you felt it too
When there was me and you
it's damn nice please her voice. powerful :D
HAHA, and apparently, my dad submitted the whole family's photo to the smiles 2006, 4 million smiles thingy. WTFFFF. hahaha. they sent me a mail, and i was STUNT. couldn't my dad take a nicer photo of me :( THE PHOTO IS DAMN UGLY PLEASE. oh yes :) holidays coming. WWW anybody? chalet anybody?
i feel so much better after banging on th piano :) got many more new scores from my-piano. but, i still can't find my bad day :( UGH.
yadayada. my block is undergoing renovations, so it's darn noisy and dust is EVERYWHERE please. irritating la. and so many banglas around. bleh.
toodles :d
well, that very much explains th mood swing i was having yesterday, getting so f-ed up over the damn JAVA and my mom. and my baby :(
whatever man. half of me feels like going home to change and stuff. it's damn yucky :( urghhs. my back hurts, cramps are killing! :( but i can't pangseh my friends t go shopping :D my cargooo pants. :DD
i'm kinda happy now. i'm left with 2 parts of my java! :D all thanks to the help of the JAVA-GURUs in class. im trying to do part 5 now :( showing total payments, but there's something wrong with my method la! :(( i dont know why. always happens. eughh. but anyhoos, finishing soon. den comes th demo. that i'm worried.
something damn funny happened on the bus on th way home. th bus was packed, as usual. and the guy didnt realise that there were alot of empty spaces in th middle la. den this educated aunty started saying and saying. i couldn't hear what she was saying, cause my earphones were plugged in at max volume.
but she was waving and waving and stuff. talking and talking. then there was this girl ( after people shifted in) standing infront of her. and that aunty still continued ranting and ranting. and th girl, was innocent la. but she just smiled and nodded her head and stuff.
nosey aunty? maybe. it's none of her business anyway. she's comfortablly sitting down. it would be enough just to tell th guy to move in, but continue ranting and ranting? not as if the guy did it on purpose. he just didnt realise.
im hooked onto the songs from high school musical. gabriella's voice is just, heavenly. :) nice singing!
my baby is sleeping :( sigh, we always dont manage to meet up. i'm jealous la. :( why u always go out with your friends dont go out with me. grrrr. IM JEALOUS :d
i wanna get my neckermann, a bag, my cargo pants laterrr! :D but smart rachie didnt bring out her money :( so no choice, gotta use NETS. haha. :D
alright, byebye. :( my cramps are hurting damn badly, and i'm still drinking teh-cino. lol.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
fuckin java.
stupid mother. throw rubbish also wanna make so much noise. bloody shit man. gonna burst soon. all this fucken shitttttttttt. WHATEVER.
wtf laaaaaa.
and you? dont know what to say. dont even dare to call you. oh whatever.
i need a shoulder to cry on, a punch bag to vent my anger, food to satisfy my hunger because of all the energy i've used being pissed.
anyhoos. sitting at the library now, trying to use up my brain juice of the day to churn out at least something, for part 2b :) but somehow or rather, i cant seem to complete it. gotta use methods. :( and i only manage to churn out the arrays. :( it is damn stressful.
we got caught by the librarian because we brought food in :D hahaha! and we got chased out of the library. :( sat along orchard road and eat :D
i wanna sleep :(( sighhhhh. bored la, damn bored.
im stuck stuck stuck! :(( and i end up bloggin. wth?
my stupid dumb boy skip school again >:( hhhhhhhais.
im stuck with stupid java. save me! save me! :(((
everybody's getting damn stressed up over java. I ALSO DAMN STRESSED UP. thank god for a java-siao SB.
i finish part 1 & 2. program is coming up! :))) need to use more brain juice for the rest of the parts i guess. got 4 more parts to go. JIA YOU RACHIE.
i feel damn accomplished. tho i'm struck by a headache now. a damn bad one ): i need sleep. my eyes sting. ugh. maybe drop by school earlier to continue java-ing with the rest.
mates wanted t go STEAMBOAT tomorrow, cause i was ranting about going for steamboat on friday. postpone! :)) tmr abit rush, cause wed still have t go school. altho it's java. but then again, gotta make use of as much time as possible :)
okay, time to get to bed. wake up early tomorrow. i'll try! :) and next week, i'll get as much of my beauty sleep as possible! :D and it's two papers and then HOLIDAYS.
after i complete my java program, it's on to studying for two written papers. PIA ALL THE WAY :D
rachie must jiayou :))) friends too huh! work hard, play hard. :D
and esther, stop being emo :p i still love you tho!