xiaotian : i wanna join! i wanna join! but i cant skate okayyyy. i walk on skates :) my special ability. but then again, i think it's fun leh! i scared of falling down la. :) hahaha! nice to see you. made me happy thru my day :) hope to see you more often around school!
esther : WAHHAHAHAHA. you & ben. AHHA, stupid hor? :) nice to see you! but you look like high class ah ma again :d high class ah ma with FCUK shirt! :X
okay, im tired. i'll blog tomorrow in class. :( i just finished COS project. i'm pissed off. :( i think yena & lizhen knows why.
and i'm whining to kervin nonstop. hehe.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
i was bombarded by people giving out flyers this morning while walking to school. smart asses! they all cramped round the over head bridge and eagerly stretched out their arms to give us the davinci code leaflet again. i've seen enough of it. i don't consider myself as a staunch christian, but hello, whatever people wanna think about the movie, we cannot do anything about it. yes, we can do and try to explain further. but over doing is TOO MUCH. when it's time to stop, STOP.
fine, overhead bridge over, i walked towards the bus stop, another two girls standing at the entrance of the bus stop. awwww, nevermind. managed to escape them. after waiting for lizhen, walking OUT of the busstop towards the atrium, know the fountain there? ANOTHER TWO GIRLS. it has officially become, super irritating.campus crusade. over enthusiaism turns people off. especially NON CHRISTIANS. many friends have said, they hate christianity because all this people always go up and bug them non stop. stop when you need to.
for me, i'll never bug. bugging is irritating, cause i don't like to be bugged either.
saw my lovelies in canteen 1 just now :) as usual, esther is THAT skinny. and saw xiaotian :) the stupid girl RAISED HER HAND and said "LOOK AT MY HAND" hahaha, guessed it. SKATING LAR! i wanna join toooo :( but i have no money to get skates. & remember i tried skating? i just wouldn't move! and ended up walking on skates. HAAA. normally people trip and fall, but me? able to walk successfully. ice skating is much much more easier. so how xiaotian, wanna join ice skating? :x hehehe!
i realised one thing, if you wanna do anything that has to do with challenging your guts. FIND LEE XIAO TIAN. she's the best candidate. haha, super daring girl. go go, find her and bug her! :d
and i miss vivien! saw esther alr =x HAHA, i realised at canteen 1, i see alot of people :d we should seriously meet up sooooon. holidays okay? :)
aw, i really miss my sec sch mates :( poly mates can't be compared to my sec sch mates. 4 years of friendship! i miss you alllll. :)
tag me :( nobody tags me anymore. boohoo.
see you all soooon :)
i was bombarded by people giving out flyers this morning while walking to school. smart asses! they all cramped round the over head bridge and eagerly stretched out their arms to give us the davinci code leaflet again. i've seen enough of it. i don't consider myself as a staunch christian, but hello, whatever people wanna think about the movie, we cannot do anything about it. yes, we can do and try to explain further. but over doing is TOO MUCH. when it's time to stop, STOP.
fine, overhead bridge over, i walked towards the bus stop, another two girls standing at the entrance of the bus stop. awwww, nevermind. managed to escape them. after waiting for lizhen, walking OUT of the busstop towards the atrium, know the fountain there? ANOTHER TWO GIRLS. it has officially become, super irritating.
for me, i'll never bug. bugging is irritating, cause i don't like to be bugged either.
saw my lovelies in canteen 1 just now :) as usual, esther is THAT skinny. and saw xiaotian :) the stupid girl RAISED HER HAND and said "LOOK AT MY HAND" hahaha, guessed it. SKATING LAR! i wanna join toooo :( but i have no money to get skates. & remember i tried skating? i just wouldn't move! and ended up walking on skates. HAAA. normally people trip and fall, but me? able to walk successfully. ice skating is much much more easier. so how xiaotian, wanna join ice skating? :x hehehe!
i realised one thing, if you wanna do anything that has to do with challenging your guts. FIND LEE XIAO TIAN. she's the best candidate. haha, super daring girl. go go, find her and bug her! :d
and i miss vivien! saw esther alr =x HAHA, i realised at canteen 1, i see alot of people :d we should seriously meet up sooooon. holidays okay? :)
aw, i really miss my sec sch mates :( poly mates can't be compared to my sec sch mates. 4 years of friendship! i miss you alllll. :)
tag me :( nobody tags me anymore. boohoo.
see you all soooon :)
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
so IS wasn't that bad afterall. managed to rush through the rest of our CATS project, but not all tho. meeting up tmr for just one measly hour. bo bian :( cause we end at 4, they have a talk at 5. rather boring, tmr got JAVA somemore.
and sway enough, my printer broke down. nevermind :) i shall make use of school printers. must make use ah ( i sound like a kiasu singaporean here, but whatever ) i paid so much school fees anyway :)
hiphop was fun today. we did footwork. not bad, and not as tiring. but i'm pespiring like crazy. and i hate it okay. :( ugh i dont know why lar. i'm like a tap that can't stop running. gr. i got home real early today. we finished at 430, and i was back home by say, 510. :) how gooood. and now i can change bus! :) cause i'm lazy to walk from interchange all the way home.
i'm done halfway through my CATS. but the rest of the projects, haven't do. and i got no idea how to do my PORTFOLIO! :( need some guidance. crapp. maybe i should start now or something :)
alright, shall stop now. and start working with the beloved crimson editor :(
Rachel :):):):):):):):)
i woke up, feeling rather weird. yes, a new day has started. but then again, i can't forget things that had happened yesterday. and afterall your tone, your voice sounded really pissed still. shrugs. i don't know.
take it slowly rachel :)
at least my hair fell into place this morning. a nice parting t start with :) ah, i look fat in the picture. and pink is definitely not my color BUT, seems that my pillow, bolster case, bedsheet & blanket are all PINK. whatever mannn. even my sleeping shirt is pink. ha :)
it's IS day. i want so much to skip tuesday lessons. i'm entitled to skip 2 lessons of hiphop & go for make up anytime. at least i won't get a warning letter. and CATS, there's nothing much. doesn't matter either. CATS class always has absentees. the long bod, stumpy leg. sheena look alike girl. always skips lessons. haa. :) but then again, my lecturer is NICE.
gotta hand up projects soon. CATS is due on 2nd june. so does the other 2 WP projects and COS is due on thursday. and WP portfolio is due on 5th june. when we started school. 5th june was like FAR away. but it's not actually.
i think my meal times are scrwd yet again. it always happens on tuesday. but whatever.
i should be using this time to study. shldn't i? i need to buck up on my FSP. :( save me someone.
alright, think i should be going. i love blogging so much and when there's nothing to do. i tend to BLOG.
but now, i think i'll just go print out all the lecture notes on FSP & that stupid damn exam paper, which i don't think the rather lousy, useless lecturer will go through with us.
oh correction, i don't think connie is bias, i think mani is. no? connie help those who are working, but rather against those that don't work. but mani loves the two viet guys. :) hell to you mani. i hate you anyhow.
wishing things would get better. i miss you.
Monday, May 29, 2006
dear diary,
i heard a story about a girl.
the first time they met, it was nothing but hellos and smiles. she was shy, and didn't dare to say anything. she was made fun of by him over D*. that's another story tho. that has become part of her past which doesn't matter much. and she's still peeved over how D* treated her.
after the whole matter was over. she realised that they meet yet again. now, a totally different story from before. m* and him for close friends. much more closer then he and i. we were then, just acquintances. however, as days went by. they got closer and started talking alot more. she never knew, that would change her life so much.
as day by day passes by. she would go out and study for her upcoming end of year exams but yet, half her mind would be thinking of him. waiting anxiously for his sms-es or replies. the first time she went into his house when she was, as usual. struggling with her maths. she saw his mom, and sis.
she didn't dare think too much. she knew, he could never be hers. they could never be together. he was famous and handsome. she? just another girl next door. nobody took noticed of her.
days passed by, and many things happened. they talked more, sms-ed more. met up more. things changed. feelings developed. at least in her, she didn't know about him.
she had just left his house, and in the midst of a struggle to not accept his money for his dinner, her phone dropped, and vibration was lost. she was upset, she left with a simple word "bye".
she was shocked, when he started hinting that she could be his girlfriend instead. she couldn't believe it, and in the end said, i don't deserve to be your girlfriend.
one day while studying tgt over at his place, things changed quickly. having the fight of our lives, trying to tickle each other so badly. she suddenly stopped, knowing that they've gone too far as friends. but what she didn't expect was a kiss from him. there, he asked would you be my girlfriend?
she was shocked and lost for words. the only word she could utter was yes.
their lives changed very much from there. after a few months came the incessant quarrels and arguments over trival things. but he was patient enough to stand by her, and understand her.
all she felt were insecurities. he said i'll go through this year with you. i'll go through your O lvls with you. he did it. :) many things happened, the relationship changed from bad to worst.
until one day, it reached the peak. and he, suggested a breakup. she was devastated. but then again, she decided no point hanging on.
after a few weeks, she got to know this other guy. let's call him T*. she felt really comfortable with this guy, a nice friend. but then again, their characters differed too much. she couldn't accept his behaviours. she abhors people smoking, and it felt like their paths just crossed for a moment. just for that moment, they meant to be only friends. T* was a flirt anyway.
she was in a dilemma, whether to go back to him or stay with T*. T* was nice, it was too early to start another relationship. T* knew that she was in a dilemma, he gave her 3 words. only 3 words. follow your heart.
thanks T*. she went back to him. she was rather hostile in the beginning, still unsure whether had she made the right choice to go back. she realised then, she loved him afterall. she'll continue loving him.
things got better, until a few months later. the same things happened again. he started caring less, she started giving in alot more to suit him, to at least maintain this relationship.
she asked herself many a times, is it worth it? she had wanted so much to break up with him when he said those unfeeling words that hurt her so deeply. but she decided to stay on.
through this one year, she did change, bit by bit. it was too little to notice. and because of that, he didn't realised that she did change for him. and didn't realise that she had given up alot of things for him. to him, it is what she was supposed to do. but to her, it made a very big difference in her life. she felt like she was living alone in her own world.
all she wanted was for him to give her abit more concern, and not to be so insensitive and know what she wants. but it never happened. he didnt even express how much he loved her, like how he said he would do. he always said i love you, i know words don't mean anything. but trust me. i'll show you. actions speaks louder then words.
in the end, she found herself alone yet again. she ask herself why did i choose to come back? was it the correct choice?
she did make the right choice. at least after they got back together. she felt some love. although it was short lived. he was right things would change after you go to work. things would change when you enter polytechnic.
now standing alone, she is nothing but a speck of dust. she lost love, love left her.
she's in a terrible position, she doesn't know whether to hang on or to leave. she wants to stay, but things he do is sending a signal to her to tell her to get lost.
she missses him, but does he miss her? she wants him back, and she feels stupid for doing all this things.
all she wants to say is. thankyou for the things you've done, thankyou for the support, thankyou for your love.

nice drawing right? :)
i heard a story about a girl.
the first time they met, it was nothing but hellos and smiles. she was shy, and didn't dare to say anything. she was made fun of by him over D*. that's another story tho. that has become part of her past which doesn't matter much. and she's still peeved over how D* treated her.
after the whole matter was over. she realised that they meet yet again. now, a totally different story from before. m* and him for close friends. much more closer then he and i. we were then, just acquintances. however, as days went by. they got closer and started talking alot more. she never knew, that would change her life so much.
as day by day passes by. she would go out and study for her upcoming end of year exams but yet, half her mind would be thinking of him. waiting anxiously for his sms-es or replies. the first time she went into his house when she was, as usual. struggling with her maths. she saw his mom, and sis.
she didn't dare think too much. she knew, he could never be hers. they could never be together. he was famous and handsome. she? just another girl next door. nobody took noticed of her.
days passed by, and many things happened. they talked more, sms-ed more. met up more. things changed. feelings developed. at least in her, she didn't know about him.
she had just left his house, and in the midst of a struggle to not accept his money for his dinner, her phone dropped, and vibration was lost. she was upset, she left with a simple word "bye".
she was shocked, when he started hinting that she could be his girlfriend instead. she couldn't believe it, and in the end said, i don't deserve to be your girlfriend.
one day while studying tgt over at his place, things changed quickly. having the fight of our lives, trying to tickle each other so badly. she suddenly stopped, knowing that they've gone too far as friends. but what she didn't expect was a kiss from him. there, he asked would you be my girlfriend?
she was shocked and lost for words. the only word she could utter was yes.
their lives changed very much from there. after a few months came the incessant quarrels and arguments over trival things. but he was patient enough to stand by her, and understand her.
all she felt were insecurities. he said i'll go through this year with you. i'll go through your O lvls with you. he did it. :) many things happened, the relationship changed from bad to worst.
until one day, it reached the peak. and he, suggested a breakup. she was devastated. but then again, she decided no point hanging on.
after a few weeks, she got to know this other guy. let's call him T*. she felt really comfortable with this guy, a nice friend. but then again, their characters differed too much. she couldn't accept his behaviours. she abhors people smoking, and it felt like their paths just crossed for a moment. just for that moment, they meant to be only friends. T* was a flirt anyway.
she was in a dilemma, whether to go back to him or stay with T*. T* was nice, it was too early to start another relationship. T* knew that she was in a dilemma, he gave her 3 words. only 3 words. follow your heart.
thanks T*. she went back to him. she was rather hostile in the beginning, still unsure whether had she made the right choice to go back. she realised then, she loved him afterall. she'll continue loving him.
things got better, until a few months later. the same things happened again. he started caring less, she started giving in alot more to suit him, to at least maintain this relationship.
she asked herself many a times, is it worth it? she had wanted so much to break up with him when he said those unfeeling words that hurt her so deeply. but she decided to stay on.
through this one year, she did change, bit by bit. it was too little to notice. and because of that, he didn't realised that she did change for him. and didn't realise that she had given up alot of things for him. to him, it is what she was supposed to do. but to her, it made a very big difference in her life. she felt like she was living alone in her own world.
all she wanted was for him to give her abit more concern, and not to be so insensitive and know what she wants. but it never happened. he didnt even express how much he loved her, like how he said he would do. he always said i love you, i know words don't mean anything. but trust me. i'll show you. actions speaks louder then words.
in the end, she found herself alone yet again. she ask herself why did i choose to come back? was it the correct choice?
she did make the right choice. at least after they got back together. she felt some love. although it was short lived. he was right things would change after you go to work. things would change when you enter polytechnic.
now standing alone, she is nothing but a speck of dust. she lost love, love left her.
she's in a terrible position, she doesn't know whether to hang on or to leave. she wants to stay, but things he do is sending a signal to her to tell her to get lost.
she missses him, but does he miss her? she wants him back, and she feels stupid for doing all this things.
all she wants to say is. thankyou for the things you've done, thankyou for the support, thankyou for your love.
nice drawing right? :)
[ edit ]
oh, i forgot to mention something ytd. our CM tutor actually sent us SMSes with a mean,mode, variance question. and he said it's a SMS contest. apparently, nobody bothered. cept for viet & kengtheng. so both of them got the prize. even though it's wrong. LOL.
i've got ALOT of work to do. 3 WP projects, 1 COS project, and 1 CATS project. HOW SADDENING? ughh. CATS's the most important one :) haiya how how how! so stress man. :(
done with CM understanding test on stats mean, median mode. i think i'll do well. that's enough to make me
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
i'm actually improving slowly :) from D to B to A! yay :) i think too much! x)
i'm sitting in this basic notebook troubleshooting workshop ( read : lame session ). they teach us how to run "cmd". how to find ip address. and actually if you don't come, i think it doesn't matter.
maybe you'll be in so much trouble if your notebook crashes. but then again. i'll just send it up to the support centre ( tho i think it's not much help ) (: wastage of my time.
lunch was good! tho it was only half an hour :) i had meatball MEE SUA. shiok shiok :) food in canteen 3 is afterall not that bad. it's just that we ate the wrong food the first few days. we've since become food critics of canteen 3 since school started. :)
i dont know what to blog, but i'm bored you see. and i've got no more pictures for me to photoshop! :( he's teaching us how to do system restore.
k* is stupid :( places so much importance in everything else. but me. be it before or after. so unfair.
ohya, this technician has lousy engrish.
who hasn't got the handsout?
it's very uful in case ur system got poblrems.
joke of the day.
kengtheng : wah you get all A for the past few CM test ah?
lizhen : ya lor.
kengtheng : then you shld go to business!
lizhen : but my engrish fail
kengtheng : ENGRISH? no wonder fail la!
kengtheng : your engrish fail, chinese also CMI. den what language u speak?!
lizhen : tamil lor.
sian, i shall go back and listen to the technician. nothing better to do either. :) they planning to go KBOX. i've got no money! i wanna go shopping tho :) i wanna watch poseidon & davinci! i'm always nagging. someone watch with me den i shall stop nagging. HAAAAA. :)
take care kervin. :)
oh, i forgot to mention something ytd. our CM tutor actually sent us SMSes with a mean,mode, variance question. and he said it's a SMS contest. apparently, nobody bothered. cept for viet & kengtheng. so both of them got the prize. even though it's wrong. LOL.
i've got ALOT of work to do. 3 WP projects, 1 COS project, and 1 CATS project. HOW SADDENING? ughh. CATS's the most important one :) haiya how how how! so stress man. :(
done with CM understanding test on stats mean, median mode. i think i'll do well. that's enough to make me
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
i'm actually improving slowly :) from D to B to A! yay :) i think too much! x)
i'm sitting in this basic notebook troubleshooting workshop ( read : lame session ). they teach us how to run "cmd". how to find ip address. and actually if you don't come, i think it doesn't matter.
maybe you'll be in so much trouble if your notebook crashes. but then again. i'll just send it up to the support centre ( tho i think it's not much help ) (: wastage of my time.
lunch was good! tho it was only half an hour :) i had meatball MEE SUA. shiok shiok :) food in canteen 3 is afterall not that bad. it's just that we ate the wrong food the first few days. we've since become food critics of canteen 3 since school started. :)
i dont know what to blog, but i'm bored you see. and i've got no more pictures for me to photoshop! :( he's teaching us how to do system restore.
k* is stupid :( places so much importance in everything else. but me. be it before or after. so unfair.
ohya, this technician has lousy engrish.
who hasn't got the handsout?
it's very uful in case ur system got poblrems.
joke of the day.
kengtheng : wah you get all A for the past few CM test ah?
lizhen : ya lor.
kengtheng : then you shld go to business!
lizhen : but my engrish fail
kengtheng : ENGRISH? no wonder fail la!
kengtheng : your engrish fail, chinese also CMI. den what language u speak?!
lizhen : tamil lor.
sian, i shall go back and listen to the technician. nothing better to do either. :) they planning to go KBOX. i've got no money! i wanna go shopping tho :) i wanna watch poseidon & davinci! i'm always nagging. someone watch with me den i shall stop nagging. HAAAAA. :)
take care kervin. :)
siblings having holidays already! and i still have school. what to do, 5 years age gap. that's what so unfair. gah!
early in the morning come school! don't even understand that COS thing. and i have to create something NEW, for some stupid SAIO printer. dunno what the shit! :(
and lessons are up till 4 today. how boring :( some troubleshooting crap we have later. NONSENSE.
kervin is sick :( that stupid boy! hmph. i wanna eat ipoh horfun. SO HUNGRY. i'm eating alot this few days :)
and i'm in PINK today. how horrible, but i can't help it right? no more clothes, and i didnt manage to iron clothes last night :( so this morning just grab any tshirt.
oh ya, gotta finish my CATS work today. tmr must hand up :(
STRESS AH! i wanna cut my hair. exams coming. so sian :(
this post is full of :( :( :( :( :(
i need some :) :) :) :) :)
rachel :)
siblings having holidays already! and i still have school. what to do, 5 years age gap. that's what so unfair. gah!
early in the morning come school! don't even understand that COS thing. and i have to create something NEW, for some stupid SAIO printer. dunno what the shit! :(
and lessons are up till 4 today. how boring :( some troubleshooting crap we have later. NONSENSE.
kervin is sick :( that stupid boy! hmph. i wanna eat ipoh horfun. SO HUNGRY. i'm eating alot this few days :)
and i'm in PINK today. how horrible, but i can't help it right? no more clothes, and i didnt manage to iron clothes last night :( so this morning just grab any tshirt.
oh ya, gotta finish my CATS work today. tmr must hand up :(
STRESS AH! i wanna cut my hair. exams coming. so sian :(
this post is full of :( :( :( :( :(
i need some :) :) :) :) :)
rachel :)
Sunday, May 28, 2006
and i'm so distracted by things that are happening this few days. how to study?! and im tired now ): i wanto sleep. but some stupid person still not home! garh. asssss. >:(
how the hell does one person study for WP, JAVA and COS?! tell me?
gar. i'm so irritated by exams/commontest and whatnots. i seriously dont like studying.
i wanna cut my hair. but i end school so late everyday. WHAT THE HELL. stupid CRASH course we have tomorrow. ARGH i wanna skip! ):
STUPID TROUBLESHOOTING. I DONT NEED IT. give me time to cut my hair and study ):
stupid unnecessary stuffs.
GAHHHH time to slp. goodnight. :)
and i'm so distracted by things that are happening this few days. how to study?! and im tired now ): i wanto sleep. but some stupid person still not home! garh. asssss. >:(
how the hell does one person study for WP, JAVA and COS?! tell me?
gar. i'm so irritated by exams/commontest and whatnots. i seriously dont like studying.
i wanna cut my hair. but i end school so late everyday. WHAT THE HELL. stupid CRASH course we have tomorrow. ARGH i wanna skip! ):
STUPID TROUBLESHOOTING. I DONT NEED IT. give me time to cut my hair and study ):
stupid unnecessary stuffs.
GAHHHH time to slp. goodnight. :)
photos. i'll update later. lil sis singing potter's hand.

this boy is really funny. the way he sings and stuff cracks me up. but he's a good musician :)

irritating group of smokers. still can purposely blow smoke up. i hate HATE smokers that behave this way. irritating.

haha, the skin sucked. so we ate the innards and left the skin and it can become one har kaw itself :d

can never do without a photo of myself :d

beautiful sunset no? i get really nice sunset from my window :)
went to church today. mom forced me there. but seriously, i was sitting there idling away. not in a comfortable position to sleep either. practically stoning away. somehow, i feel that he doesn't work anymore. and i kept chanting that. to mom that is.
went to bangkit to have lunch. MY PANTS IS SOAKED THRU! cause it was raining super heavily, and the floors were flooded. i wished i was in PCK boots at that time :d
things are getting better between us. glimmer of light shining at the end of the tunnel.
thought that tdy was my sister's piano exam. but it's NEXT week. how blur. but then again, she's well prepared already. so it's okay la. (: i wanna eat PORK BALL PORRIDGE from UT, anybody nice enough to bring me that?
singapore idol. yet again. i dunno how to rate the show la.
i wanna catch POSEIDON & DA VINCI CODE. xmen this saturday, and then sentosa on sunday? i'm already burnt. superrr burnt. ): all thanks to the scorching sun ytd.
i wanna get long sleeves. so i dont have to drag my jacket to school everyday. ): i'm getting so stressed up over cumulative graph. i suddenly forgot how to draw it & i drew the wrong graph. now i've to erase everything again. ): most probably gonna get a haircut on friday. any ideas how should i cut my hair? shld i go back to th same ol style of spiking it. or what?
LALA. i'm bored. where are youu? ):
this boy is really funny. the way he sings and stuff cracks me up. but he's a good musician :)
irritating group of smokers. still can purposely blow smoke up. i hate HATE smokers that behave this way. irritating.
haha, the skin sucked. so we ate the innards and left the skin and it can become one har kaw itself :d
can never do without a photo of myself :d
beautiful sunset no? i get really nice sunset from my window :)
went to church today. mom forced me there. but seriously, i was sitting there idling away. not in a comfortable position to sleep either. practically stoning away. somehow, i feel that he doesn't work anymore. and i kept chanting that. to mom that is.
went to bangkit to have lunch. MY PANTS IS SOAKED THRU! cause it was raining super heavily, and the floors were flooded. i wished i was in PCK boots at that time :d
things are getting better between us. glimmer of light shining at the end of the tunnel.
thought that tdy was my sister's piano exam. but it's NEXT week. how blur. but then again, she's well prepared already. so it's okay la. (: i wanna eat PORK BALL PORRIDGE from UT, anybody nice enough to bring me that?
singapore idol. yet again. i dunno how to rate the show la.
i wanna catch POSEIDON & DA VINCI CODE. xmen this saturday, and then sentosa on sunday? i'm already burnt. superrr burnt. ): all thanks to the scorching sun ytd.
i wanna get long sleeves. so i dont have to drag my jacket to school everyday. ): i'm getting so stressed up over cumulative graph. i suddenly forgot how to draw it & i drew the wrong graph. now i've to erase everything again. ): most probably gonna get a haircut on friday. any ideas how should i cut my hair? shld i go back to th same ol style of spiking it. or what?
LALA. i'm bored. where are youu? ):
19 months gone to waste, everything i've put in for you. you seem to think that it's nothing. the cold air makes me shudder, everything rushing back to me like it just happened yesterday.
blackened tears stream down my face, in hope that you would clean it off. but it would never happen.
it's all MY stupidity. to wait, linger, and hope that you'll come back.
contradiction makes me wonder if i am to believe. believe every sentence and statement, or to believe that it's all to make me feel better.
sacarsm takes place, because i can't take it anymore. i can't help but to be so angry at you. not understanding my plight, not understanding what i'm going through.
you say you're sad, how sad are you? ask yourself.
fucking random shit post.
fucking pissed.
& i wento church today. sucks.
blackened tears stream down my face, in hope that you would clean it off. but it would never happen.
it's all MY stupidity. to wait, linger, and hope that you'll come back.
contradiction makes me wonder if i am to believe. believe every sentence and statement, or to believe that it's all to make me feel better.
sacarsm takes place, because i can't take it anymore. i can't help but to be so angry at you. not understanding my plight, not understanding what i'm going through.
you say you're sad, how sad are you? ask yourself.
fucking random shit post.
fucking pissed.
& i wento church today. sucks.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
i am SUPER lost now! exams are coming. how? should i just give up my leisure time to stay at home and study? actually, think again. i wont study! one year once, balloon hat festival unity participating somemore. how can i miss it? i missed last year's one. but last year not important, no unity. but this year have! and it's one day before my exams. HOW? & somemore, saturday going to watch xmen3 with my beloved family already :( how to study like that?
went and check and double confirm my exam schedule. all in the late afternoons (good forsleepingmugging in the library early in the morning.)
Computing maths - monday, 4 to 530
FSP aka horrible JAVA - tuesday, 4 to 530
COS aka incorrigble corny - wed 130 to 3
WP aka adorable fulu - friday 130 to 3
i think too far. no? sigh...
went fordinnersnacks just now cause we had reallly late lunch at macs. so, ate the famous currypuffs from bukitbatok (which was advertised on hawker woks or smthng, th one hosted by fiona xie & taufik brought her there that one ). and some satays.
actually, ever noticed wherever coffeeshops you go to. there'll always be one elderly, eye-ing on your the empty can sitting on your table. and if not one, there'll be two. roaming about the coffeeshops. hoping that they will get that empty can. it's quite pitiful. no?
i pity them. i always have a soft spot for elderlies (NOT THOSE LECHEROUS AH PEKS SITTING AT COFFEESHOPS STARING AT GIRLS) i love my granny alot. and i can't imagine seeing her at the coffeeshops waiting so impatiently to grab that empty can and sell it back to a recycling company.
what have this elderlies done, to deserve such treatment? they're old, no one's there to take care of them. and despite being, old and maybe weak. they've to go around doing such things to support themselves, or maybe their other half? how much can they earn from the measly amount of cans they collect?
really, someone should do something. the next time an election comes about. i hope, some MP or something proposes to support the elderlies. maybe i should do that. wakkakaka.
thank goodness, my granny can sit at home and watch tv all day long and doesn't have to get down to do all this stuffs. & talking about that. i havent seen her for very long! maybe i'll go down one day to see my beloved granny :)
EXAMS EXAMS I HATE EXAMS. cause i can't seem to study for them. no matter how i study, it wont go in. garh. i hate it!
should i go to church tomorrow? i see no point in going tho.
dad's car is so spacious. i feel weird inside. i can't sit like i used to sit in the sunny. cause the car is so biggg. my legs not long enoughanymore ):
AWHHHH AHha long post. full of nonsense.
i am SUPER lost now! exams are coming. how? should i just give up my leisure time to stay at home and study? actually, think again. i wont study! one year once, balloon hat festival unity participating somemore. how can i miss it? i missed last year's one. but last year not important, no unity. but this year have! and it's one day before my exams. HOW? & somemore, saturday going to watch xmen3 with my beloved family already :( how to study like that?
went and check and double confirm my exam schedule. all in the late afternoons (good for
Computing maths - monday, 4 to 530
FSP aka horrible JAVA - tuesday, 4 to 530
COS aka incorrigble corny - wed 130 to 3
WP aka adorable fulu - friday 130 to 3
i think too far. no? sigh...
went for
actually, ever noticed wherever coffeeshops you go to. there'll always be one elderly, eye-ing on your the empty can sitting on your table. and if not one, there'll be two. roaming about the coffeeshops. hoping that they will get that empty can. it's quite pitiful. no?
i pity them. i always have a soft spot for elderlies (NOT THOSE LECHEROUS AH PEKS SITTING AT COFFEESHOPS STARING AT GIRLS) i love my granny alot. and i can't imagine seeing her at the coffeeshops waiting so impatiently to grab that empty can and sell it back to a recycling company.
what have this elderlies done, to deserve such treatment? they're old, no one's there to take care of them. and despite being, old and maybe weak. they've to go around doing such things to support themselves, or maybe their other half? how much can they earn from the measly amount of cans they collect?
really, someone should do something. the next time an election comes about. i hope, some MP or something proposes to support the elderlies. maybe i should do that. wakkakaka.
thank goodness, my granny can sit at home and watch tv all day long and doesn't have to get down to do all this stuffs. & talking about that. i havent seen her for very long! maybe i'll go down one day to see my beloved granny :)
EXAMS EXAMS I HATE EXAMS. cause i can't seem to study for them. no matter how i study, it wont go in. garh. i hate it!
should i go to church tomorrow? i see no point in going tho.
dad's car is so spacious. i feel weird inside. i can't sit like i used to sit in the sunny. cause the car is so biggg. my legs not long enoughanymore ):
AWHHHH AHha long post. full of nonsense.
photos time. hahaaaa. GORE ALERT.

stupid flu made me use SO many tissue papers. i still had to have one box of tissue nxt to my bed. disgusting? xD

see! so neat already my room. but give it less den 10 days, it's gonna be super messy again. that's me. i wonder why, am i a girl.

loitering at the void deck! (: with the siblings & dad.

i miss you. wished things would be fine within us. altho maybe, it won't work out and i shall just forget you. tell me, what should i do?
stupid flu made me use SO many tissue papers. i still had to have one box of tissue nxt to my bed. disgusting? xD
see! so neat already my room. but give it less den 10 days, it's gonna be super messy again. that's me. i wonder why, am i a girl.
loitering at the void deck! (: with the siblings & dad.
i miss you. wished things would be fine within us. altho maybe, it won't work out and i shall just forget you. tell me, what should i do?
i'm so tired out.
minus away the partially saddening night i had, which make me have goldfisheyes (like what kervin calls it - i dont mind ) i'm still having abit of runny nose. which is making me tired.
and i, being the good ol' sis i am ALWAYS. decided to accompany my sis alil while downstairs watching her ride her skate scooter (old school alr. now its wheeleys - sp?!) and do some skipping (since my house is so crammed, she always hits into stuffs). and of course, i had to do something. decided to TRY to rollerblade. note theTRY. i walked on wheels in the end, and gave up. sat and read newspapers with mosquitoes feeding on my OH-SO-DELICIOUS blood.
and the kuku sister suddenly said " I WANT TO SWIM " and we started arguing through songs.
me : so hot so we shall not go for a swim.
rayna : so cloudy, so we shall go for a swim.
and we kept on repeating and repeating. until someone even threw a crushed paper ball down. were we so NOISY? hahahaa. be it was good fun spent with the siblings.
we did go and swim in the end. swam around & played around in the waters for about an hour plus before we left. really couldn't take the heat of the scorching sun. all my lil' sis fault.
went to limbang to look for momsy cause she was studying there and we had MACS for lunch! yayness. promotion lunch. haa. dad upped the ranks again! :)
now im home, did a lil packing to my room. i'll post up pictures a lil later. i'm still uploading them from my phone. it's REALLLLLY slow. and i've to photoshop them a lil bit. MUST LOOK NICE MA.
and, any idea how to flip videos? i've got super retarded ones!
i'm draineddddd. and my nose's still runny. gah. please don't scold me for not seeing a doctor ): i had enough trashing's already.
i miss you.
minus away the partially saddening night i had, which make me have goldfisheyes (like what kervin calls it - i dont mind ) i'm still having abit of runny nose. which is making me tired.
and i, being the good ol' sis i am ALWAYS. decided to accompany my sis alil while downstairs watching her ride her skate scooter (old school alr. now its wheeleys - sp?!) and do some skipping (since my house is so crammed, she always hits into stuffs). and of course, i had to do something. decided to TRY to rollerblade. note theTRY. i walked on wheels in the end, and gave up. sat and read newspapers with mosquitoes feeding on my OH-SO-DELICIOUS blood.
and the kuku sister suddenly said " I WANT TO SWIM " and we started arguing through songs.
me : so hot so we shall not go for a swim.
rayna : so cloudy, so we shall go for a swim.
and we kept on repeating and repeating. until someone even threw a crushed paper ball down. were we so NOISY? hahahaa. be it was good fun spent with the siblings.
we did go and swim in the end. swam around & played around in the waters for about an hour plus before we left. really couldn't take the heat of the scorching sun. all my lil' sis fault.
went to limbang to look for momsy cause she was studying there and we had MACS for lunch! yayness. promotion lunch. haa. dad upped the ranks again! :)
now im home, did a lil packing to my room. i'll post up pictures a lil later. i'm still uploading them from my phone. it's REALLLLLY slow. and i've to photoshop them a lil bit. MUST LOOK NICE MA.
and, any idea how to flip videos? i've got super retarded ones!
i'm draineddddd. and my nose's still runny. gah. please don't scold me for not seeing a doctor ): i had enough trashing's already.
i miss you.
Friday, May 26, 2006
i swear i hate TWITS! not my dearest friends tho. but, one in particular. and this person is NOT my friend. she is my junior in unity. we all somehow, has some hatred towards her. tsk, vien! th person who tagged on ur blog.
come, let rachel jie jie teach you all some words today. first word is.
STEW. stew is = still.
i stew hungry, i wanto eat more.
word no. 2
ARCHERLY. archely is = actually.
archerly, today no need go school. but then i still go for fun.
-shudders. SUPER TWIT.
that aside. my flu has subside. i know why i kept on sneezing la! cause i went and on my air con. so stupid. i shldn't have on the air con. now i'm abit better.
and i love lizhen & yena! they signed my attendance & help me indicate that i finished my work :) SO LOVELY right? i will help you all! we shld work hand in hand :) hee.
my tom yam mee is so NICE. and i made myself some honey :) nice albeit too sweet. now i'm having delicious pork ball porridge from UT! super yummy. :) i love the porridge. very smooooth. altho the shopkeeper is really RUDE.
she kept on asking whether i want egg. keep on asking whether isit da pao. SO IRRITATING! but nevermind, for good food. :)
oh yes, miss tan's celebration :) really nice! she was so surprised. and i heard that she was waiting for the celebration this morn and was wondering why we so bo sim. in the end she was so surprised! we not so bo sim okay.
tsk tsk, unlike. ehem.
i dunno what to blog already. hopefully i will get better tomorrow. and maybe go down to unity tmr to pack the store room.
exams are coming. one more week! should i go for balloon hat festival nxt sunday? but exams are on monday! how how? wonders. ): but i missed it last year, and i wanna go this year! UGHHH.
i'll consider. anybody wants to go balloon hat? & ya, NJC band concert. anybody? :)
come, let rachel jie jie teach you all some words today. first word is.
STEW. stew is = still.
i stew hungry, i wanto eat more.
word no. 2
ARCHERLY. archely is = actually.
archerly, today no need go school. but then i still go for fun.
-shudders. SUPER TWIT.
that aside. my flu has subside. i know why i kept on sneezing la! cause i went and on my air con. so stupid. i shldn't have on the air con. now i'm abit better.
and i love lizhen & yena! they signed my attendance & help me indicate that i finished my work :) SO LOVELY right? i will help you all! we shld work hand in hand :) hee.
my tom yam mee is so NICE. and i made myself some honey :) nice albeit too sweet. now i'm having delicious pork ball porridge from UT! super yummy. :) i love the porridge. very smooooth. altho the shopkeeper is really RUDE.
she kept on asking whether i want egg. keep on asking whether isit da pao. SO IRRITATING! but nevermind, for good food. :)
oh yes, miss tan's celebration :) really nice! she was so surprised. and i heard that she was waiting for the celebration this morn and was wondering why we so bo sim. in the end she was so surprised! we not so bo sim okay.
tsk tsk, unlike. ehem.
i dunno what to blog already. hopefully i will get better tomorrow. and maybe go down to unity tmr to pack the store room.
exams are coming. one more week! should i go for balloon hat festival nxt sunday? but exams are on monday! how how? wonders. ): but i missed it last year, and i wanna go this year! UGHHH.
i'll consider. anybody wants to go balloon hat? & ya, NJC band concert. anybody? :)
i swear there's something wrong with me. i'm getting more and more absentminded. i remembered telling myself "i must wish vivien happy birthday. i MUST" but somehow, I FORGOT! i'm sorry girl. and i didn't wish XT also! altho it's quite long ago, and wishing now wouldn't have any effect. but still, HAPPY BELATED BELATED BIRTHDAY GIRLS :( i should slap myself.
and yes, i need to see a doc, to get MC cause i skipped JAVA. I AM SICK, REALLY SICK. and something's wrong with my AIRCON. i'm still feeling so warm in here. crap! :(
i slept at 8 last night. and yet, i'm still feeling unwell. ugh. my life's totally fucked up!
& i'm still clinging on to something that i should start to let go slowly. really. i think he doesn't want it back anymore, but then again. there's a feeling that something good will happen & i dont dare to let go - at least not so easily. at least he still cares.
i'm stupid enough to think that he's actually gonna buy food over for me. really stupid huh? i know that will never happen. and through this year, i've always been thinking like that.
and true, i cant take care of myself actually. i'm gonna try the stupid method. yi du gong du. gonna eat tom yam maggi mee. well, i'm sick already right? might as well! but then again, i know im gonna suffer damn badly after this.
i'm still stuck with CATS project. actually, can i dont see a doctor and not give an MC?
my post is SUPER random. there're alot of pictures that i havent post up, and i want to. but i'm lazy. maybe i should eat lunch and watch derailed :) oh i saw poseidon's advertisement that VCD & DVD is out. so fast meh?
who wants to watch davincicode? fiona & jolin, our date still on? or isit offff? :( i wanto watch! *wails.*
i think i better cook my lunch, eat it. and see a doc. and get some medicine and a MC. that bails me out of everything.
and i hope i'm still well enough to go for tonight's celebration in unity. i sure miss the school :) at least it'll take my mind off somethings.
im still sneezing. damn it.
and yes, i need to see a doc, to get MC cause i skipped JAVA. I AM SICK, REALLY SICK. and something's wrong with my AIRCON. i'm still feeling so warm in here. crap! :(
i slept at 8 last night. and yet, i'm still feeling unwell. ugh. my life's totally fucked up!
& i'm still clinging on to something that i should start to let go slowly. really. i think he doesn't want it back anymore, but then again. there's a feeling that something good will happen & i dont dare to let go - at least not so easily. at least he still cares.
i'm stupid enough to think that he's actually gonna buy food over for me. really stupid huh? i know that will never happen. and through this year, i've always been thinking like that.
and true, i cant take care of myself actually. i'm gonna try the stupid method. yi du gong du. gonna eat tom yam maggi mee. well, i'm sick already right? might as well! but then again, i know im gonna suffer damn badly after this.
i'm still stuck with CATS project. actually, can i dont see a doctor and not give an MC?
my post is SUPER random. there're alot of pictures that i havent post up, and i want to. but i'm lazy. maybe i should eat lunch and watch derailed :) oh i saw poseidon's advertisement that VCD & DVD is out. so fast meh?
who wants to watch davincicode? fiona & jolin, our date still on? or isit offff? :( i wanto watch! *wails.*
i think i better cook my lunch, eat it. and see a doc. and get some medicine and a MC. that bails me out of everything.
and i hope i'm still well enough to go for tonight's celebration in unity. i sure miss the school :) at least it'll take my mind off somethings.
im still sneezing. damn it.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
i think blog hopping is really good. you get to know things that you don't know, or unaware of. (minus away those upsetting things that i DONT have to know - no, i'm not upset over anything. i'm happy. :))
read that unity school song's tune has been changed. hm? ahahah weird. so what we sang for the past 4 years is GONE! and i so love my school song la. EAGLES :) & of course. the super loud bass.
i've got a mosquito bite at my armpit. STUPID.
tmr back for unity band (: YAYNESS! celebration i hope they dont cancel it again. else i'll really go BERSERK.
im really tired, and i think i'm sick :( how? long day today! soo tiring. COS really drove me crazy. first presentation SUCKED cause it was last minute work. and i was still having lunch while do it lar. and i did it all alone. then did the fetch and execute cycle thing. i did it all alone again. i think connie knows ar. then she let me go back to my place first after explaning. i think it must be SUPER important. else she wont tekan until like that.
then it was FSP :) hand up my work and i ciaos liao. YAYNESS! and i got home really early. saw kervin, i miss you. but i didnt dare talk to him face to face. altho im really happy hearing his voice and stuff. i think i've to see doc. ):
ughhhhh i'm so tired.
blog ltr. :)
read that unity school song's tune has been changed. hm? ahahah weird. so what we sang for the past 4 years is GONE! and i so love my school song la. EAGLES :) & of course. the super loud bass.
i've got a mosquito bite at my armpit. STUPID.
tmr back for unity band (: YAYNESS! celebration i hope they dont cancel it again. else i'll really go BERSERK.
im really tired, and i think i'm sick :( how? long day today! soo tiring. COS really drove me crazy. first presentation SUCKED cause it was last minute work. and i was still having lunch while do it lar. and i did it all alone. then did the fetch and execute cycle thing. i did it all alone again. i think connie knows ar. then she let me go back to my place first after explaning. i think it must be SUPER important. else she wont tekan until like that.
then it was FSP :) hand up my work and i ciaos liao. YAYNESS! and i got home really early. saw kervin, i miss you. but i didnt dare talk to him face to face. altho im really happy hearing his voice and stuff. i think i've to see doc. ):
ughhhhh i'm so tired.
blog ltr. :)
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
i think behind everything bad/good that happens. there's always another vice versa thing happening.
in the midst of being upset, i've got classmates that crack me up. i've got a new online friend. which i met tdy in school. hello fiona. (: and she's a nice girl. nice boobs. heh.
i've got many projects to occupy and take my time up. even up till now i havent completed ANYTHING. (: COS project ( i know shit about celeron processors or pentium processors. much less their difference in designs & pricing and capability ) how? give up. i hope my other group members did some work. heh, lazy? yes!
and then CATS, gotta sort out th stuffs ): i think it's all done. and i got so pissed off with microsoft word cause it kept on crashing on me. everything seems to be crashing on me. no?
and then, it's FSP. gotta do my face, place value & funny numbers. time to organise my files NICELY. sian lah :( at least i got something right during java tdy. and im proud of myself.
my class, is lame. they're gonna wear sec sch U to school tmr. haiyo! >:( i think im gonna do something to my uniform. gonna look so weird in uniform la. but anyhow. just to play around with the class.
daddy got his new car alr :) mitsu cool blue silver lancer! (: nice t sit. spacious carrrr :) tinted class. feels so dark inside. cant seem to send pictures from my phone to the comp. :( maybe i'll do it when i take more pics.
i miss you.
in the midst of being upset, i've got classmates that crack me up. i've got a new online friend. which i met tdy in school. hello fiona. (: and she's a nice girl. nice boobs. heh.
i've got many projects to occupy and take my time up. even up till now i havent completed ANYTHING. (: COS project ( i know shit about celeron processors or pentium processors. much less their difference in designs & pricing and capability ) how? give up. i hope my other group members did some work. heh, lazy? yes!
and then CATS, gotta sort out th stuffs ): i think it's all done. and i got so pissed off with microsoft word cause it kept on crashing on me. everything seems to be crashing on me. no?
and then, it's FSP. gotta do my face, place value & funny numbers. time to organise my files NICELY. sian lah :( at least i got something right during java tdy. and im proud of myself.
my class, is lame. they're gonna wear sec sch U to school tmr. haiyo! >:( i think im gonna do something to my uniform. gonna look so weird in uniform la. but anyhow. just to play around with the class.
daddy got his new car alr :) mitsu cool blue silver lancer! (: nice t sit. spacious carrrr :) tinted class. feels so dark inside. cant seem to send pictures from my phone to the comp. :( maybe i'll do it when i take more pics.
i miss you.
i dunno what to feel now. sad? should i be crying? or should i rejoice that i've finally gotten out of a vicious cycle of cut throat arguments, quarrels & being upset the whole year through.
so, yea. whatever. im single. alone. crying the hell out. but sad to say. i cant even cry now. im still attending lessons.
whatever man. so much for screwing people cause they cut themselves.
whatever. im not gonna cry for you.
goodbye kervin. i loved you.
not meant to be, means not meant to be.
i feel like im being stabbed in the stomach. fucking sharp pains. but i dont mind. someone kill me.
so, yea. whatever. im single. alone. crying the hell out. but sad to say. i cant even cry now. im still attending lessons.
whatever man. so much for screwing people cause they cut themselves.
whatever. im not gonna cry for you.
goodbye kervin. i loved you.
not meant to be, means not meant to be.
i feel like im being stabbed in the stomach. fucking sharp pains. but i dont mind. someone kill me.
i got this from friendster. benpang's bulletin. SUPER FUNNY!. 29thjuly, black hair. popular rockstar WHO NEEDS A LIFE! (:
January- Gothic
February- Horny
March- Preppy
April- adorable
May- Stupid
June- Kinky
July- Popular
August- Beautiful
September- Talkative
October- Pretty
November- Nerdy
December- Kissable
What day is ur birthday?
1- Beauty Queen
2- Poser
3- Ninja
4- Actor/Actress
5- Fairy
6- Gay
7- model
8- Crack-Trash
9- Dog
10- Candy Cane
11- Caution Freak
12- Angel
13- Irish Girl
14- Sex Maniac
15- Punk
16- Alcoholic
17- Teacher's Pet
18- Stoner
19- Pirate
20- Power-Ranger
21- sexy beast
22- Surfer
23- Piece of Pizza
24- Hottie
25- Druggie
26- Drama Queen
27- Surgeon
28- Princess
29- Rockstar
30- Hooker
31- Care Bear
What color is your hair?
blonde=Who's sexually frustrated
brown=Who's great in bed
dirty blonde=Who is greatly frustrated
black=Who needs a life
red=Who loves to ride emus
pink=who loves to make out.
January- Gothic
February- Horny
March- Preppy
April- adorable
May- Stupid
June- Kinky
July- Popular
August- Beautiful
September- Talkative
October- Pretty
November- Nerdy
December- Kissable
What day is ur birthday?
1- Beauty Queen
2- Poser
3- Ninja
4- Actor/Actress
5- Fairy
6- Gay
7- model
8- Crack-Trash
9- Dog
10- Candy Cane
11- Caution Freak
12- Angel
13- Irish Girl
14- Sex Maniac
15- Punk
16- Alcoholic
17- Teacher's Pet
18- Stoner
19- Pirate
20- Power-Ranger
21- sexy beast
22- Surfer
23- Piece of Pizza
24- Hottie
25- Druggie
26- Drama Queen
27- Surgeon
28- Princess
29- Rockstar
30- Hooker
31- Care Bear
What color is your hair?
blonde=Who's sexually frustrated
brown=Who's great in bed
dirty blonde=Who is greatly frustrated
black=Who needs a life
red=Who loves to ride emus
pink=who loves to make out.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
im in a really bad mood. not really BADddddd mood, but i just wanna keep to myself this few days.
and i will just scream or give attitude to whoever disturbs me ( and worst, i dont feel like talking to you ) actually, i dont feel like talking to anyone. absolute NO ONE shall disturb me, or you shall accept your fate ( i dun wanna show attitude at all. but you make me do it if you shall irritate me. )
i love kervin & kervin alone.
got so many things to do. LAST MINUTE WORK SUCKS!
. fsp ( jave programming )
. CATS ( typing out and downloading all the crap shit )
. WP portfolio.
i didnt realise i have so much work, until NOW. irritating! and the worst thing is, i dont know WHAT is causing my SERIOUS MOODSWINGS. :( someone save me laaa.
counselling needed i think. i'm so tired, and get angry easily. PMS?! i hope not ):
WORK WORK WORK WORK. i need TIME. i need sleep ):
sucha random post. but whatever crap. im not in a good mood.
and i will just scream or give attitude to whoever disturbs me ( and worst, i dont feel like talking to you ) actually, i dont feel like talking to anyone. absolute NO ONE shall disturb me, or you shall accept your fate ( i dun wanna show attitude at all. but you make me do it if you shall irritate me. )
i love kervin & kervin alone.
got so many things to do. LAST MINUTE WORK SUCKS!
. fsp ( jave programming )
. CATS ( typing out and downloading all the crap shit )
. WP portfolio.
i didnt realise i have so much work, until NOW. irritating! and the worst thing is, i dont know WHAT is causing my SERIOUS MOODSWINGS. :( someone save me laaa.
counselling needed i think. i'm so tired, and get angry easily. PMS?! i hope not ):
WORK WORK WORK WORK. i need TIME. i need sleep ):
sucha random post. but whatever crap. im not in a good mood.
i'm so tired. i feel rather weird. feels like im in a daze & my muscles are aching. and i feel like resting. i dont know why. :(
and my stomach feels weird. sharp pains going thru. ugh! something's wrong with me & i dunno what.
i'm a good girl tdy :) came back after school and now, waiting for rents to be back home and then dinner tgt. :)
gotta settle IS stuffs by this week. and i so wanted to be home for dinner tmr! but no choice, we've no other days. siannnn.
im really very tired leh. omgggggg. i think im dying. wanna sleeeeep.
oh yes, i think im gonna buy organics shampoo + herbal essence conditioner! makes my hair damn soft. hurhurr. and i seriously need a haircut. it's making me feel really lethargic.
ughhh i wanna sleep ):
blog later..
i miss you
and my stomach feels weird. sharp pains going thru. ugh! something's wrong with me & i dunno what.
i'm a good girl tdy :) came back after school and now, waiting for rents to be back home and then dinner tgt. :)
gotta settle IS stuffs by this week. and i so wanted to be home for dinner tmr! but no choice, we've no other days. siannnn.
im really very tired leh. omgggggg. i think im dying. wanna sleeeeep.
oh yes, i think im gonna buy organics shampoo + herbal essence conditioner! makes my hair damn soft. hurhurr. and i seriously need a haircut. it's making me feel really lethargic.
ughhh i wanna sleep ):
blog later..
i miss you
i think in the midst of pulling my life apart, God has realised that i can't take it anymore & am backsliding badly. he has sent angels to save me. to bring my back to church.
maybe i should just accept what he has given me?
thanks fiona (: and i hope you stop being crazy, sadistic & psychotic like me. and be a good girl! shush, stop E-ing. its bad for health :d
IS later. i'm really lazy to go to school! and i've no lunch yet again ): sighhh, that sucks actually. :(
and yea, i'm broke.
longjohns, iceskating & dinner out ytd.
too many days out. burning my pocket! :(
& yea, i sent a mail t mommy t kinda "talk" to her. but apparently. it was a blank msg! i feel so sian-ed now.
whatever. time t bath ):
maybe i should just accept what he has given me?
thanks fiona (: and i hope you stop being crazy, sadistic & psychotic like me. and be a good girl! shush, stop E-ing. its bad for health :d
IS later. i'm really lazy to go to school! and i've no lunch yet again ): sighhh, that sucks actually. :(
and yea, i'm broke.
longjohns, iceskating & dinner out ytd.
too many days out. burning my pocket! :(
& yea, i sent a mail t mommy t kinda "talk" to her. but apparently. it was a blank msg! i feel so sian-ed now.
whatever. time t bath ):
Monday, May 22, 2006
i wish, hope & pray that you'll be back next to me. someday.
i've been spending too many days out. and im broke. its time to spend some time with my family too :)
im feeling damn sad and frustrated now. heartbreak. like i said, wish you're here.
showing the black face the whole day. sorry mates :(

i've bruises everywhere now.
i miss you boy.
i've been spending too many days out. and im broke. its time to spend some time with my family too :)
im feeling damn sad and frustrated now. heartbreak. like i said, wish you're here.
showing the black face the whole day. sorry mates :(
i've bruises everywhere now.
i miss you boy.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
i'm having a serious body ache :(
i stay indoors too much in the aircon room & comfy chair blowing my lungs out, that a lil exercise ( two rounds of track, 20 push ups & 20 sit ups ) killed me! there could've been more, but due to lack of time. ;d
stroked a few with mag, then lost my stamina. i was already drained out. i'm weak, i know! and den after a lil rest, continued to stroke with markchee. poor huier, sprained her ankle. :(
i think i'm never going back there. :d i'm aching badly! can't even sneeze properly :(
oh, and really, sometimes people really don't understand the STOP dont come near me sign. i love to laugh at people's stupidity. "song shang men ye mei you ren yao" it means, put infront of you also nobody wants. lol. i think my ah ma, lizhen will understand ba. hor? :d
apart from the intolerable body aches & torture i got from yesterday. the rest of the day was FUN. :) i ate loads, maybe i was really unhappy that's why i just ate and ate and ate. all the calories burnt from the morning was gained back. wasted.
had all time favourite crapping session with mag & huier @ macs over lunch. and then some arcade games after sam & jiayi joined us. waiting for the late people. i encounter alot of late people in one day. lol! rather stupid to go back to arcade. think of the sec 1 & 2 days. never fail to chiong arcade with vivien & denise. HAHA, so fun!
then it was having spicy wings @ KFC. shared with mag. the serving was really pathetic. only 3 wings! for 3.20. pathetic. met the classmates there. haha, and something stupid really happened. can't blame the lameness in mag hor? she called me to tell me something, even though the door was just a few steps away.
oh yes, thanks benji for th slippers! wahahhaha, altho i almost slip and fell -.-"
went to miss tan's house. really nice and cosy house she's got! watched our dvds. OH YES, I GOT MY CONCERT DVD! *beams* watched concerts after concerts. and ended up watching pirates of the caribbean. FIRST TIME WATCHING, and we had to think of props to do already, cause they gonna play that song for the upcoming concert. -beams!
i really love unity band family :) the alumnus are the best! haha. concert coming up (: most probably gonna include the alumnus yet again! i swear, it's time to make the junior alumnus do work this time. :)
oh, and in the show. every falling down part. we dedicated it to JOE. cause he fell so wonderfully in the phantom :d
& they kept on making fun of me la! piang ehhh. because the cam always captured me looking at joel. den the put words into my mouth!
rachel : JOEL AGAIN?!
i swear i didn't la! and somemore i was giving that sian face, but i was really scared ma. miss tan also damn cartoon.
miss tan's cats are SO pretty. but i'm still scared of them :d they have really nice fur and long tails. the way they eat also so cute la! so loving.
i swear i'm going back to unity band. let me choose NP or UNITY? obviously the answer is unity. i<3thealumni & miss tan. :)
alrightttttt. my bod's still aching. SUCKS.
blog again later. yea, i'm not in church. bod's aching :x
when am i getting my new phone? :(
i stay indoors too much in the aircon room & comfy chair blowing my lungs out, that a lil exercise ( two rounds of track, 20 push ups & 20 sit ups ) killed me! there could've been more, but due to lack of time. ;d
stroked a few with mag, then lost my stamina. i was already drained out. i'm weak, i know! and den after a lil rest, continued to stroke with markchee. poor huier, sprained her ankle. :(
i think i'm never going back there. :d i'm aching badly! can't even sneeze properly :(
oh, and really, sometimes people really don't understand the STOP dont come near me sign. i love to laugh at people's stupidity. "song shang men ye mei you ren yao" it means, put infront of you also nobody wants. lol. i think my ah ma, lizhen will understand ba. hor? :d
apart from the intolerable body aches & torture i got from yesterday. the rest of the day was FUN. :) i ate loads, maybe i was really unhappy that's why i just ate and ate and ate. all the calories burnt from the morning was gained back. wasted.
had all time favourite crapping session with mag & huier @ macs over lunch. and then some arcade games after sam & jiayi joined us. waiting for the late people. i encounter alot of late people in one day. lol! rather stupid to go back to arcade. think of the sec 1 & 2 days. never fail to chiong arcade with vivien & denise. HAHA, so fun!
then it was having spicy wings @ KFC. shared with mag. the serving was really pathetic. only 3 wings! for 3.20. pathetic. met the classmates there. haha, and something stupid really happened. can't blame the lameness in mag hor? she called me to tell me something, even though the door was just a few steps away.
oh yes, thanks benji for th slippers! wahahhaha, altho i almost slip and fell -.-"
went to miss tan's house. really nice and cosy house she's got! watched our dvds. OH YES, I GOT MY CONCERT DVD! *beams* watched concerts after concerts. and ended up watching pirates of the caribbean. FIRST TIME WATCHING, and we had to think of props to do already, cause they gonna play that song for the upcoming concert. -beams!
i really love unity band family :) the alumnus are the best! haha. concert coming up (: most probably gonna include the alumnus yet again! i swear, it's time to make the junior alumnus do work this time. :)
oh, and in the show. every falling down part. we dedicated it to JOE. cause he fell so wonderfully in the phantom :d
& they kept on making fun of me la! piang ehhh. because the cam always captured me looking at joel. den the put words into my mouth!
rachel : JOEL AGAIN?!
i swear i didn't la! and somemore i was giving that sian face, but i was really scared ma. miss tan also damn cartoon.
miss tan's cats are SO pretty. but i'm still scared of them :d they have really nice fur and long tails. the way they eat also so cute la! so loving.
i swear i'm going back to unity band. let me choose NP or UNITY? obviously the answer is unity. i<3thealumni & miss tan. :)
alrightttttt. my bod's still aching. SUCKS.
blog again later. yea, i'm not in church. bod's aching :x
when am i getting my new phone? :(
Saturday, May 20, 2006
it's early in the morning lar! i could've slept longer. i label mag & huier that LATEQUEENS! see! it's already 816 & they say meet at 815. piang ehhhhh. latequeens!
i could've slept 15 mins longer! :(
i'll blog later. i shall give the late queens some trashing first :) i would have killed them if i was waiting for them outside :d
i'm fine.
at least we cleared things up. and im glad for that.
i could've slept 15 mins longer! :(
i'll blog later. i shall give the late queens some trashing first :) i would have killed them if i was waiting for them outside :d
i'm fine.
at least we cleared things up. and im glad for that.
Friday, May 19, 2006
im so tired now. :( yawning & tearing. and there's badminton tomorrow. i'm rather lazy actually, and also rather lazy to bring racquet :( cause it'll be miss tan's place for dvds after badminton session.
ughhhhhh. im so tired, really really tired.
it was dinner with the classmates at KAP. no choice, they couldn't order macs and pay using voucher. so we walked all the way to KAP. half of them went off after finishing their meal. so it was yena, lizhen, fazil, kengtheng, morgan & me left bitching about people. well well well. whatever. its kept within us and that area in KAP only.
made some videos also. super lame. i got tricked my lizhen twice. siannn. i always fall into her traps. sian! lol.
im really pissed off now. apparently xxx says im biased. i dont need to be bias to gladly fail him. but hello? i give him credibility to at least TRY and do some work. turn up for at least ONE project meeting & present well. altho he just passed by one mark. and definitely aint something that i did purposely. its the TRUTH & only the truth.
ughhhhhhhhhh. really mutilation might do some good.
so how, shall i visit COOS tomorrow? ughh.
im really messed up man. restless & frustrated. i dunno why la!
ugh dun piss my off further. THANKS.
ughhhhhh. im so tired, really really tired.
it was dinner with the classmates at KAP. no choice, they couldn't order macs and pay using voucher. so we walked all the way to KAP. half of them went off after finishing their meal. so it was yena, lizhen, fazil, kengtheng, morgan & me left bitching about people. well well well. whatever. its kept within us and that area in KAP only.
made some videos also. super lame. i got tricked my lizhen twice. siannn. i always fall into her traps. sian! lol.
im really pissed off now. apparently xxx says im biased. i dont need to be bias to gladly fail him. but hello? i give him credibility to at least TRY and do some work. turn up for at least ONE project meeting & present well. altho he just passed by one mark. and definitely aint something that i did purposely. its the TRUTH & only the truth.
ughhhhhhhhhh. really mutilation might do some good.
so how, shall i visit COOS tomorrow? ughh.
im really messed up man. restless & frustrated. i dunno why la!
ugh dun piss my off further. THANKS.
xxx did not performa s well as the other team members. information given by him was very minimal which didn't contribute much to the write-up and presentation.
i passed xxx by one mark. ONE PATHETIC MARK. i doubt it will help him much in the marks tho :)
but whatever. i've had enough of helping people do work & that's my honest view. :)
today's really a lousy day. at least for me. early in the morning. sigh. & worst, had to contain myself. but well, burgerqueen was really observant.
presentation just over, i feel so bad. presented rather badly ( stuttering la ) lousy right? cant do marketing man.
blog later.
PS: i still love you.
i passed xxx by one mark. ONE PATHETIC MARK. i doubt it will help him much in the marks tho :)
but whatever. i've had enough of helping people do work & that's my honest view. :)
today's really a lousy day. at least for me. early in the morning. sigh. & worst, had to contain myself. but well, burgerqueen was really observant.
presentation just over, i feel so bad. presented rather badly ( stuttering la ) lousy right? cant do marketing man.
blog later.
PS: i still love you.
what the fcuk did i do this time.
whats happening?
half the mood swings are caused by the relationship.
i dont know what's wrong and you dont bother to explain.
my friends are rather surprised that i mutilate myself, but its times like this that drives me really crazy.
can someone just tell me what's happening? tell me? tell me. tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me.
i'm going crazy. really.
whats happening?
half the mood swings are caused by the relationship.
i dont know what's wrong and you dont bother to explain.
my friends are rather surprised that i mutilate myself, but its times like this that drives me really crazy.
can someone just tell me what's happening? tell me? tell me. tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me.
i'm going crazy. really.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
early in the morning. there's nothing to do. but we had some funny incidents happening.
first, i dropped half my sandwich :( so sad! 2 bucks ):
then nvm, yena came early for lessons thinking she was late! double laughters.
third, out of boredom, fazil started drawing pictures of lizhen and her burger. lol. triple laughs!

lizhen loves burger from t08!

b e a u t i f u l artist impression of lizhen

lizhen kiss BURGER!
all contributed by the very bored us. oh credits of drawing to fazil. HAHAHAHA
first, i dropped half my sandwich :( so sad! 2 bucks ):
then nvm, yena came early for lessons thinking she was late! double laughters.
third, out of boredom, fazil started drawing pictures of lizhen and her burger. lol. triple laughs!
lizhen loves burger from t08!
b e a u t i f u l artist impression of lizhen
lizhen kiss BURGER!
all contributed by the very bored us. oh credits of drawing to fazil. HAHAHAHA
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
pissed off.
life sucks. it has become, your life & my life. seperated.
im upset. not because we're drifting. because i didnt manage to keep this relationship.
your friends are more important den me.
you reply their msges, pick up their calls, call them back.
me? you do none.
stop taking me for granted. i knew it, once i let go. i couldnt draw back anymore. stupid mistake.and for that, i hate myself so much. & you always find excuses to give me. i hate it i hate it I HATE IT. can't you just give my feelings some thoughts?! no? ughhh. one sided love it has become/ becoming/ became. whatever.
super emo. but whatever la. school work stress. relationship stress. and you dont even bother to ask if im okay....
ah whatever.
i give up.
and you give me attitude.
three entries in a day? crap shit.
life sucks. it has become, your life & my life. seperated.
im upset. not because we're drifting. because i didnt manage to keep this relationship.
your friends are more important den me.
you reply their msges, pick up their calls, call them back.
me? you do none.
stop taking me for granted. i knew it, once i let go. i couldnt draw back anymore. stupid mistake.and for that, i hate myself so much. & you always find excuses to give me. i hate it i hate it I HATE IT. can't you just give my feelings some thoughts?! no? ughhh. one sided love it has become/ becoming/ became. whatever.
super emo. but whatever la. school work stress. relationship stress. and you dont even bother to ask if im okay....
ah whatever.
i give up.
and you give me attitude.
three entries in a day? crap shit.
greattttttt. i've two people who asked me to do surveys already. do i look like a surveyee? or rather, do you people think that i'll give good answers? LOL. i swear i'm not a good surveyee. cause half the time i dont understand what their talking about, UNLESS it's in really really simple form. :)
and talking about complex stuffs, i think i'm so gonna fail my JAVA. i really dont understand anything at all. i'm really going to die man. i dont wanna fail this module. if i fail, it means retain for me. :( sigh. but java IS SO TOUGH. :(
i forgot t bring rubberbands t school today. :( and i so wanted to tie up my hair. so i played around with my hairclips. those kinda black ah ma hair clips. and used it to bun up my hair. NOT BAD LEH, it managed to stay for the whole 3 hours :d
and im really tired. i swear im gonna sleep damn early today. say, 10 and i'll be in bed. im totally drained out :( i always said i will sleep early, but tend to go to bed later den planned. so, it's SUPER super SUPER gone case already.
badminton this sat at school. i feel so nice, carrying the racquet. havent touched it for a long long time. :) & going to miss tan's house on sat! yayness! can watch th vid & see my long lost bandits.
ahh, i need to go complete CMaths. :) and i'm really stressed out over java. consulting my SB for help :( ugh ugh ugh. im so stress!
at least my project's completed :)
ahhh, mass dance for 1t02? haha.
alright. nidda go. (: ciaos!
there are times where i wonder. how come when you're there. you're so involved and everything & everybody CARES or rather, bugs you alot. but when you're out. everything disappears? bugging stops, caring stops. everything just s t o p s.
anybody can tell me why?
this few days i cant really think properly. & im feeling so tired that i'm kinda pissed off at everything. & the fact that i got two different people so sianed in class today. my bad. but sometimes, i say things directly, i wont bother to think through. if i think that's right. i would just say it. :) i'm so sorry to whoever i've offended.
i think my good friends know me. :(
i had better change this habit.
& yes, and about one sided love. 99% of th time it wont work out, but only cause people to be paranoid. and some people, really have no shame.
im, sick, of, school.
& i miss my boyfriend :( he havent been to school for a week already!
and talking about complex stuffs, i think i'm so gonna fail my JAVA. i really dont understand anything at all. i'm really going to die man. i dont wanna fail this module. if i fail, it means retain for me. :( sigh. but java IS SO TOUGH. :(
i forgot t bring rubberbands t school today. :( and i so wanted to tie up my hair. so i played around with my hairclips. those kinda black ah ma hair clips. and used it to bun up my hair. NOT BAD LEH, it managed to stay for the whole 3 hours :d
and im really tired. i swear im gonna sleep damn early today. say, 10 and i'll be in bed. im totally drained out :( i always said i will sleep early, but tend to go to bed later den planned. so, it's SUPER super SUPER gone case already.
badminton this sat at school. i feel so nice, carrying the racquet. havent touched it for a long long time. :) & going to miss tan's house on sat! yayness! can watch th vid & see my long lost bandits.
ahh, i need to go complete CMaths. :) and i'm really stressed out over java. consulting my SB for help :( ugh ugh ugh. im so stress!
at least my project's completed :)
ahhh, mass dance for 1t02? haha.
alright. nidda go. (: ciaos!
there are times where i wonder. how come when you're there. you're so involved and everything & everybody CARES or rather, bugs you alot. but when you're out. everything disappears? bugging stops, caring stops. everything just s t o p s.
anybody can tell me why?
this few days i cant really think properly. & im feeling so tired that i'm kinda pissed off at everything. & the fact that i got two different people so sianed in class today. my bad. but sometimes, i say things directly, i wont bother to think through. if i think that's right. i would just say it. :) i'm so sorry to whoever i've offended.
i think my good friends know me. :(
i had better change this habit.
& yes, and about one sided love. 99% of th time it wont work out, but only cause people to be paranoid. and some people, really have no shame.
im, sick, of, school.
& i miss my boyfriend :( he havent been to school for a week already!
Call me out[/edit]
You stayed inside
One you love
Is where you hide
Shot me down as I flew by
Crash and burn
I think sometimes you forget where the heart is
Answer no to these questions
Let her go, learn a lesson
It's not me, you're not listening now
Can't you see, something's missing?
You forget where the heart is
Take you away from that empty apartment
You stay and forget where the heart is
Someday, if ever you love me, you'd say it's okay
Waking up from this nightmare
How's your life, what's it like there?
Is it all what you want it to be?
Does it hurt when you think about me
And how broken my heart is
Take you away from that empty apartment
You stay and forget where the heart is
Someday, if ever you love me, you'd say it's okay
It's okay to be angry and never let go
It only gets harder, the more that you know
When you get lonely, if no one's around
You know that I'll catch you when you're falling down
We came together but you left alone
And I know how it feels to walk out on your own
Maybe someday I will see you again
And you'll look me in my eyes and call me your friend
Take you away from that empty apartment
You stay and forget where the heart is
Someday, if ever you love me, you'd say its okay
It's okay
It's okay
i've got no interest in JAVA, which means i'm gonna fail this module which means, i have to stay back another year. WHICH IS BAD.
which means im gonna fail :( so badly.
oh oh, lizhen has a stalker! and a admirer the burger. hahahahah.
the class was supposed to wear pink tdy, in favour of benji cause his sister bought him a pink striped shirt. but benji, being benji always like to disturb and play pranks. we decided to pull one on him. so all of us didnt turn up in pink cept benji & joey. th love birds. :d hahahaha
pinky : piggy cowww, u're in pink tdy *yay yay* i love piggy cow.
piggy cow : pinkyyyy, u're in pink too. YAY ! i love pinky.
HAHAHAHA, biggest joke ever. and bala was th spoiler. he went & wear pink. so nxt prank is on HIM! :d
& he's rather AA uh. :)
let me indulge in some JAVA.
rachel :)
which means im gonna fail :( so badly.
oh oh, lizhen has a stalker! and a admirer the burger. hahahahah.
the class was supposed to wear pink tdy, in favour of benji cause his sister bought him a pink striped shirt. but benji, being benji always like to disturb and play pranks. we decided to pull one on him. so all of us didnt turn up in pink cept benji & joey. th love birds. :d hahahaha
pinky : piggy cowww, u're in pink tdy *yay yay* i love piggy cow.
piggy cow : pinkyyyy, u're in pink too. YAY ! i love pinky.
HAHAHAHA, biggest joke ever. and bala was th spoiler. he went & wear pink. so nxt prank is on HIM! :d
& he's rather AA uh. :)
let me indulge in some JAVA.
rachel :)
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
im SUPER tired now. i dont know why. been having headache for the whole day.
im totally drained out.
couldnt concentrate in any lessons, not even hip hop. :/
just SO tired. headache.
and i didnt have anything the whole day till dinner. cept for the tuna bun & kinder buenos. and finally got food!
supposed to go dinner with the classmates. but then everybody left. & thus i've concluded that benji is the magnet. NO FAIR. they made me walk from blk 73 to sports complex, den someone said they left alr. so i walked back t th library and knocked into jiayi. den they made me walk back to th sports complex, & tell me that they're not going for dinner already! AHHHHHHH.
i hate you all :d
so i had sinful LJS for dinner. yummy! think the standard is dropping. i could've gone for dinner with momsy. but den, ugh.. sian. :( and im so tired now. :(
i need some sleep. ugh.
i dunno wat am i saying lar. haha.
im totally drained out.
couldnt concentrate in any lessons, not even hip hop. :/
just SO tired. headache.
and i didnt have anything the whole day till dinner. cept for the tuna bun & kinder buenos. and finally got food!
supposed to go dinner with the classmates. but then everybody left. & thus i've concluded that benji is the magnet. NO FAIR. they made me walk from blk 73 to sports complex, den someone said they left alr. so i walked back t th library and knocked into jiayi. den they made me walk back to th sports complex, & tell me that they're not going for dinner already! AHHHHHHH.
i hate you all :d
so i had sinful LJS for dinner. yummy! think the standard is dropping. i could've gone for dinner with momsy. but den, ugh.. sian. :( and im so tired now. :(
i need some sleep. ugh.
i dunno wat am i saying lar. haha.
Monday, May 15, 2006
pictures galore! HAHAHA, sorry for the late late late post la. :( i actually stopped blogging halfway cause eveyrbody packed up and went home. so now, pictures. :) but yet again. too many pictures. so just post up some lar. 
something wrong with both our hands lar :X hahaha
uhhh, see the gays?
he is NOT intellectual at all.
oh. this stupid guy from CT ( create talent ) the same company that approached me the other time. waste my time & full of crap.
see the huge slippers?! i broke mine ma :(
resting & watching th not really interesting match.
sleeping on the train. excuse me, we woke up like EA RLY in the morning :(
i dont know why ken's eyes are always SO big.

photo whoring.

so that's PUSHBALL!
uh th three gays. pratically the whole class is GAY
waiting till they are SOOOOOO bored.
the rest are from KT's camera. just did some minor photoshopping (:
when boredom takes over. wait until very buey song. thats KT for you.
hahaha so pretty leh that girl. got burger want her number!
big sunglasses for small face.
pimples galore! hahahaha
my buddy! :)
rockers failed badly.
black & white piggy cow! :)
1t02. you see th girl so pretty! the one nxt to the BALA.
nice legs hor? :)
after school, went for baby's grandpa's wake. felt really sad :( missed grandma :( i so miss grandma. all the changtings and everything really made me very upset. made me think back. & i teared. altho i hid it away.
grandma i really miss you :(
although i've never heard you scold or scream at me. all you do is pamper, but yet. i dont even bother much. regrets. :( miss you granny.

rachel. i'm so tired :/
uhhh, see the gays?
he is NOT intellectual at all.
oh. this stupid guy from CT ( create talent ) the same company that approached me the other time. waste my time & full of crap.
see the huge slippers?! i broke mine ma :(
resting & watching th not really interesting match.
sleeping on the train. excuse me, we woke up like EA RLY in the morning :(
i dont know why ken's eyes are always SO big.
so that's PUSHBALL!
uh th three gays. pratically the whole class is GAY
waiting till they are SOOOOOO bored.
the rest are from KT's camera. just did some minor photoshopping (:
when boredom takes over. wait until very buey song. thats KT for you.
hahaha so pretty leh that girl. got burger want her number!
big sunglasses for small face.
pimples galore! hahahaha
my buddy! :)
rockers failed badly.
black & white piggy cow! :)
1t02. you see th girl so pretty! the one nxt to the BALA.
nice legs hor? :)
after school, went for baby's grandpa's wake. felt really sad :( missed grandma :( i so miss grandma. all the changtings and everything really made me very upset. made me think back. & i teared. altho i hid it away.
grandma i really miss you :(
although i've never heard you scold or scream at me. all you do is pamper, but yet. i dont even bother much. regrets. :( miss you granny.
rachel. i'm so tired :/
im sitting in Computing Maths lesson now. we're learning functions yet again. utter boredom. and when we're bored. we'll do stupid things like fooling around with a PC cam and take STUPID pictures. :) i'll upload them later.
yeap! i photoshopped many many pics. stupid pics i can say. pimples galore, black and white piggy cow. lol! stupid internal jokes la.
yesterday was mother's day. hrm, nothing really much since i already gorged myself over the long holiday. friday was kah hiang dim sum & pizza hut for dinner. saturday was pastamani for lunch & soup restaurant for dinner. yesterday was normal lunch & tze char for dinner.
ah yes, the chaoahbeng apologized for screwing up the work. 've decided to give him another chance. th nxt time it happens, it's not only me who will bring th parang BUT, the whole group! lol.
gotta stay back for project again. sian. den later go down for the wake.
alright, time to do project work. i'll upload photos later. :)
& blog later.
i expect a late night tdy again.
love my ladies!
PS: chatted with mailina just now! fun fun :)
yeap! i photoshopped many many pics. stupid pics i can say. pimples galore, black and white piggy cow. lol! stupid internal jokes la.
yesterday was mother's day. hrm, nothing really much since i already gorged myself over the long holiday. friday was kah hiang dim sum & pizza hut for dinner. saturday was pastamani for lunch & soup restaurant for dinner. yesterday was normal lunch & tze char for dinner.
ah yes, the chaoahbeng apologized for screwing up the work. 've decided to give him another chance. th nxt time it happens, it's not only me who will bring th parang BUT, the whole group! lol.
gotta stay back for project again. sian. den later go down for the wake.
alright, time to do project work. i'll upload photos later. :)
& blog later.
i expect a late night tdy again.
love my ladies!
PS: chatted with mailina just now! fun fun :)
Sunday, May 14, 2006
isn't it amazing how things can happen so quickly, or rather, happen without your knowing? one moment, everything is fine, the next. you lose it just like that.
i miss mama. one moment, the docs said her cancer cells are all gone. and just when 5 years was about to lapse, which mean the save period. it came back and attacked her again. badly this time. leaving her struggling with hospital visits, coughing in pain. & she finally left, 2nd march 2006. 1021pm.
& i still remember, we were planning to go down on friday to see her with my cousin, and i was still planning my time and route to go to NUH. but who knows, it just happened like that. & yes, i'm still questioning God why. maybe because of that. my faith really went way down. it crashed and dropped. and nothing seem to make it better at shalom.
baby take care. maybe i should accept the fact that people do come and go that quickly, with a snap of your fingers or. with a blink of an eye. i miss mama & gonggong.
busy days. & i'll blog more when i have the time. i have TONS of pictures. from ytd's lunch with yeye & today's pushball event, lunch at cine's pastamania & dinner @ soup restaurant. ( the SAMSUI GINGER CHICKEN rocks! )
i'm so tired now. woke up at 530 am. & wore my contacts till now! eyes are hurting. and i even teared when i was wearing my contacts. painful :(
i miss my baby!
oh yes, i bought things on impulse again. my slippers broke. no choice had to take ben's slippers to wear. so huge, and unglam. bo bian, had to buy so thot aiya must well get a good one. went to NUM, oh shit. don't have the one i want. so bought the other one. never ever shop on impulse rachel. the sandal's nice but gave me blister :( not painful tho. just reddish.
but still. 40bucks leh! die also must wear.
& yup, shopped at JP with momsy. bot 3 pairs of pants. i'm getting fatter and fatter. & a pair of sandals. again.
AHHAHA, biggest achievement tdy.
i need to sleep.
goodnight ladies.
i miss mama. one moment, the docs said her cancer cells are all gone. and just when 5 years was about to lapse, which mean the save period. it came back and attacked her again. badly this time. leaving her struggling with hospital visits, coughing in pain. & she finally left, 2nd march 2006. 1021pm.
& i still remember, we were planning to go down on friday to see her with my cousin, and i was still planning my time and route to go to NUH. but who knows, it just happened like that. & yes, i'm still questioning God why. maybe because of that. my faith really went way down. it crashed and dropped. and nothing seem to make it better at shalom.
baby take care. maybe i should accept the fact that people do come and go that quickly, with a snap of your fingers or. with a blink of an eye. i miss mama & gonggong.
busy days. & i'll blog more when i have the time. i have TONS of pictures. from ytd's lunch with yeye & today's pushball event, lunch at cine's pastamania & dinner @ soup restaurant. ( the SAMSUI GINGER CHICKEN rocks! )
i'm so tired now. woke up at 530 am. & wore my contacts till now! eyes are hurting. and i even teared when i was wearing my contacts. painful :(
i miss my baby!
oh yes, i bought things on impulse again. my slippers broke. no choice had to take ben's slippers to wear. so huge, and unglam. bo bian, had to buy so thot aiya must well get a good one. went to NUM, oh shit. don't have the one i want. so bought the other one. never ever shop on impulse rachel. the sandal's nice but gave me blister :( not painful tho. just reddish.
but still. 40bucks leh! die also must wear.
& yup, shopped at JP with momsy. bot 3 pairs of pants. i'm getting fatter and fatter. & a pair of sandals. again.
AHHAHA, biggest achievement tdy.
i need to sleep.
goodnight ladies.
Friday, May 12, 2006
i swear, i'm SO STRESSED now. and no doubt, im gonna hack that particular person. long story. lazy to explain. & i'm so tired. and i'm not done with my project and the stupid CORNY homework.
and im hungry :p
i think i'll really go to school on monday with a PARANG! :) hello chaoahbeng, i'm gonna hack you to death for PUTTING ME INTO SO MUCH STRESS!
so irresponsible. DOTA SOMEMORE. dota will KILL YOU. i swear it will bring you down down down. and fail your modules! and get kicked out of school. cause you always kpkb in class with the teachers and disrupt our learning. i hate you!
apparently, some people don't know HOW to listen to instructions. irritating.
i am so irritable this few days. oh wrong, irritable by some ass! even bala finds him weird.
thus, RACHEL DECLARES YONG WEIRD. weird people shld die. & i shall have the honour of hacking him to death.
thanks momsy for helping me with th proj, altho it's still NOT done.
shld give my momsy th marks instead eh?
i wanna hack you,
and im hungry :p
i think i'll really go to school on monday with a PARANG! :) hello chaoahbeng, i'm gonna hack you to death for PUTTING ME INTO SO MUCH STRESS!
so irresponsible. DOTA SOMEMORE. dota will KILL YOU. i swear it will bring you down down down. and fail your modules! and get kicked out of school. cause you always kpkb in class with the teachers and disrupt our learning. i hate you!
apparently, some people don't know HOW to listen to instructions. irritating.
i am so irritable this few days. oh wrong, irritable by some ass! even bala finds him weird.
thus, RACHEL DECLARES YONG WEIRD. weird people shld die. & i shall have the honour of hacking him to death.
thanks momsy for helping me with th proj, altho it's still NOT done.
shld give my momsy th marks instead eh?
i wanna hack you,
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Gloomy day.
dad's working, mom's out. it's dinner alone yet again.
packeted dinner with dvds yet again.
rain's falling down my face.
why does this week seem so gloomy?
i think im going into depression.
should i go support the pushball thing at TP with lizhen & yena this sat? i need a break, nidda go out, nidda do some shopping.
im getting a headache now. i don't feel like going for piano already.
darling :( i'm so lonely.. & you're going out :(
dad's working, mom's out. it's dinner alone yet again.
packeted dinner with dvds yet again.
rain's falling down my face.
why does this week seem so gloomy?
i think im going into depression.
should i go support the pushball thing at TP with lizhen & yena this sat? i need a break, nidda go out, nidda do some shopping.
im getting a headache now. i don't feel like going for piano already.
darling :( i'm so lonely.. & you're going out :(
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
ahahahah, i've been a couch potato sitting in front of the tv watching dvds :) so lazy man. now, i've gotta rush to finish my homework. i dont understand a thing lar. and thats BAD. :)
lessons were alright lar. i love fulu man! best lecturer ( amongst the rest of the lectureres ) at least i understand what he's talking about. unlike MANI. huh? i dont understand rightt rightt rightt haiya irritating!
tmr it's CM & COS. th whole day. im gonna die. 3 hours of boring maths lesson. HOW TO SURVIVE. really he teach like never teach. must well dont teach! ugh. that reminds me, i've to understand th JAVA crap. what valid, not valid. i didnt pay attention at all.
and and, i'm trying to figure out how to do the COS homework. no idea man! someone save me. i think it is THAT simple, but i just dunno whether isit right. i think i anyhow whack better, well, at least better then getting whacked byconnie :)
i realised i've not blogged properly for this few days. lets update abit la.
ytd, was IS day. hiphop practically killed me. if i stand up now, i'll rather stand for the rest of the time. i wont wanna sit. cause it hurts like HELL. yea :( suffering man. but! its fun. so sacrifice laaaaa :( CATS alr got groupings :) & we've started to brain storm.
today, lunch was B A D. had lunch at canteen 3. lizhen ate the tomyam soup. more like SOUR SOUP. really horrible. i ate the japanese chicken dunno what rice from the same stall :( horrible i must say. i didnt finish my food even tho i was super hungry.
i'm already halfway through my FASHION SHOP project. & done with the library project! :) really irresponsible people in my team tho. shall not name names. but really! very irritating. you're given the paper to write your name. and you just leave it there and walk away. mind you, if you don't want your marks. the rest of th team NEEDS it. & we do group work & you dont bother turning up. ugh! i swear if you dont have the information you're asked to find. i'll definitely flare up. and it's not nice to see me flare up. RIGHT MY DEAR FRIENDS? :)
oh yes, i was just looking through my MSN contacts. and i saw many nicks, or rather emails & i thought of my secondary school friends. no doubt we've decided to choose our own paths. we're still friends aren't we? and we havent talked for quite a long time. well, the only person i R E A L L Y talk to now is only mag. hope that your lives are still going on fine, and everybody's still fine. :) i miss my sec sch mates. & of course, my bandmates. :( left with mag now only! so sad huh?
well, dear friends. i hope to see you all soon. and if denise if you're still reading. i wanna see you very much :) i love them many. you all are missed by ME! tons tons many many :)
not forgetting my piggy boy. many love too :)
i'm getting sleepy. i think my nose is working up. maybe me really tired :( but noooooo, i've to finish my assignment!
rachel :)
lessons were alright lar. i love fulu man! best lecturer ( amongst the rest of the lectureres ) at least i understand what he's talking about. unlike MANI. huh? i dont understand rightt rightt rightt haiya irritating!
tmr it's CM & COS. th whole day. im gonna die. 3 hours of boring maths lesson. HOW TO SURVIVE. really he teach like never teach. must well dont teach! ugh. that reminds me, i've to understand th JAVA crap. what valid, not valid. i didnt pay attention at all.
and and, i'm trying to figure out how to do the COS homework. no idea man! someone save me. i think it is THAT simple, but i just dunno whether isit right. i think i anyhow whack better, well, at least better then getting whacked by
i realised i've not blogged properly for this few days. lets update abit la.
ytd, was IS day. hiphop practically killed me. if i stand up now, i'll rather stand for the rest of the time. i wont wanna sit. cause it hurts like HELL. yea :( suffering man. but! its fun. so sacrifice laaaaa :( CATS alr got groupings :) & we've started to brain storm.
today, lunch was B A D. had lunch at canteen 3. lizhen ate the tomyam soup. more like SOUR SOUP. really horrible. i ate the japanese chicken dunno what rice from the same stall :( horrible i must say. i didnt finish my food even tho i was super hungry.
i'm already halfway through my FASHION SHOP project. & done with the library project! :) really irresponsible people in my team tho. shall not name names. but really! very irritating. you're given the paper to write your name. and you just leave it there and walk away. mind you, if you don't want your marks. the rest of th team NEEDS it. & we do group work & you dont bother turning up. ugh! i swear if you dont have the information you're asked to find. i'll definitely flare up. and it's not nice to see me flare up. RIGHT MY DEAR FRIENDS? :)
oh yes, i was just looking through my MSN contacts. and i saw many nicks, or rather emails & i thought of my secondary school friends. no doubt we've decided to choose our own paths. we're still friends aren't we? and we havent talked for quite a long time. well, the only person i R E A L L Y talk to now is only mag. hope that your lives are still going on fine, and everybody's still fine. :) i miss my sec sch mates. & of course, my bandmates. :( left with mag now only! so sad huh?
well, dear friends. i hope to see you all soon. and if denise if you're still reading. i wanna see you very much :) i love them many. you all are missed by ME! tons tons many many :)
not forgetting my piggy boy. many love too :)
i'm getting sleepy. i think my nose is working up. maybe me really tired :( but noooooo, i've to finish my assignment!
rachel :)
and so, fulu being th nice fulu let us off SO EARLY! and everybody's in class playing NFS & dota. CRAP!
damn funny lar... everybody's not studying! all slacking in class playing NFS & dota. HAHA, left side NFS, right side of class DOTA. mannnnnnnnn. dam funny lar.
sian la. :(
oh i forgot t mention. i met dearest mailina ytd after CATS lesson! wahha so happy :))))
okay lar, go back play NFS alr. :)
gonna cut my hair later! :) hehehehe
damn funny lar... everybody's not studying! all slacking in class playing NFS & dota. HAHA, left side NFS, right side of class DOTA. mannnnnnnnn. dam funny lar.
sian la. :(
oh i forgot t mention. i met dearest mailina ytd after CATS lesson! wahha so happy :))))
okay lar, go back play NFS alr. :)
gonna cut my hair later! :) hehehehe
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
my muscles are aching. heart's aching too. :(
hiphop was fun! but tiring la. :) able to follow rhythm & catch th steps is a must. altho, i fumble abit. or or, fumble when we turn. AHHA, dam funny.
shrugs :( quarreling always. hais. i also dunno wat t say la. dont show me respect nowadays, dun care as much as before. just because i let go abit, you become like that. sigh nothing t say le la. got, as good as dont have :/
sigh, nothing t blog abt. just that my mucles are aching damn badly. hais :(
& i think you're purposely not picking up my calls. hrm, whatever.
hiphop was fun! but tiring la. :) able to follow rhythm & catch th steps is a must. altho, i fumble abit. or or, fumble when we turn. AHHA, dam funny.
shrugs :( quarreling always. hais. i also dunno wat t say la. dont show me respect nowadays, dun care as much as before. just because i let go abit, you become like that. sigh nothing t say le la. got, as good as dont have :/
sigh, nothing t blog abt. just that my mucles are aching damn badly. hais :(
& i think you're purposely not picking up my calls. hrm, whatever.
Monday, May 08, 2006
okay, mag said that it was time to get my ass moving and stop being so lazy. :) so decided t join badminton & inline skating. many friends inside there ar! and they say inline skating ppl very friendly, unlike badminton. all very zuai, den see you lousy dun make friends with you. >:( suckas!
hopefully this two CCAs can make me exercise MORE and stop being so lazy. but, i think i've t invest on a pair of skates ( i've a pair, but not sure whether still can wear :( ) maybe borrow from debbie first :x hehehehe. den after that i really noe how t skate alr den BUY a good pair. 100 bucks to 200? there goes my pay lor! :(
make me slim down pleaseeeeee. so it's IS tmr & badminton till 6 with jiayi, huier & markchee. MAG COME TOO, but that stupid girl SKIPPING SCH toms. its IS, its FUN! why skip? :( can't choose a better day huh you.
baby boy having compey toms in school! all th best little boy :) mwaaas.
talked abit with mich tdy. HA, she's forever funny. 500 bucks pay. 250 on an ipod nano, 100 bucks on 2 cartoons of ciggs. FOREVER ONE LA SHE. forever spending SO MUCH money. all th best my lil girl :) meet you sooooon! :)
AHAHAH, stupid peugeot advertisement. SO LAME. >:(
having headache now. i need t slp! but i'm waiting for baby t finish his game :( lalala. anw sch starts at 1 tmr. SLEEP IN! :)
rachel :)
hopefully this two CCAs can make me exercise MORE and stop being so lazy. but, i think i've t invest on a pair of skates ( i've a pair, but not sure whether still can wear :( ) maybe borrow from debbie first :x hehehehe. den after that i really noe how t skate alr den BUY a good pair. 100 bucks to 200? there goes my pay lor! :(
make me slim down pleaseeeeee. so it's IS tmr & badminton till 6 with jiayi, huier & markchee. MAG COME TOO, but that stupid girl SKIPPING SCH toms. its IS, its FUN! why skip? :( can't choose a better day huh you.
baby boy having compey toms in school! all th best little boy :) mwaaas.
talked abit with mich tdy. HA, she's forever funny. 500 bucks pay. 250 on an ipod nano, 100 bucks on 2 cartoons of ciggs. FOREVER ONE LA SHE. forever spending SO MUCH money. all th best my lil girl :) meet you sooooon! :)
AHAHAH, stupid peugeot advertisement. SO LAME. >:(
having headache now. i need t slp! but i'm waiting for baby t finish his game :( lalala. anw sch starts at 1 tmr. SLEEP IN! :)
rachel :)
it's really funny to know that after 10 years of nonstop nagging after EVERY exam, i'm still listening to it now. BUT, the thing is. i didn't sit for any exams, didn't get bad marks. but still i'm listening to all the naggins.:) it's so funny.
okay, timemachine, back to 5 years ago! PSLE year. ahhhah. it was just assesments, assesments & assesments! nonstop assesments @ bsc.:) look at my idiotic bro now? watch tv, play comp, play xbox. where got do assessments. tsk, no wonder! results SOOOOO bad.
and and, my sister. everyday also sit at home and do assessments. but! maths came back with 70/100. us leh? p1 th time NEVER do assesment. but get good grades ( ehem, REALLY good grades okayyyy ). momsy told her "u stop doing assessments la" weird. everything seems to go the other way round for lilsis :)
oh, i wanted t get th PC cam, but it's been sold alr.:( so no pc cam for me! save up for th phone instead la.:( more and more people getting that phone! ughhh:( how saddening.
school was alright today. i finally understood abit of binary. its very chim tho. but, abit more understanding brainpower it's acceptable la.:( my age is 0001 0000 ahhhhhhahah, thats my binary age:)
den den, it was computing maths. hello sets, we meet yet again.:( i have never ever liked sets. so it's really:(:( saddening to study sets again. i can't wait for matrices & functions!:) i dont see how maths is needed tho. ahh, not bad at least, i managed to do most of the questions from the orientation tutorial:)
stayed back t do project. at first we were still doing lar, then everybody started playing games again! end up, i also started playing. haahah, lizhen damn cute "haiyo! why so slow one!"
it's IS day toms.:( hippy hoppy again. sure muscle ache everywhere one.:( no choice lar, dont know what to wear to school tmr also. got clothing problem ah!:(
daddy's gotta work till midnight.:( poor thing!
my shoulders are aching damn badly:( all thanks to th SUPER heavy bag & laptop that we didn't had t use at all!:(
somehow, momsy doesn't understand that i need alot of clothes!:(
oh yes. i really envy th relationship between grandma & momsy. they have really nice relationship!:) me & momsy? always arguing. reallllllly horr. but i love my momsy & grandma! :)))))
mother's day coming soon. i havent got momsy anything. no more time to get :( maybe i'll go out on friday and get her something reaaaaaaaallly nice:) maybe a watch? or or, a nice pen. or or or, hmm. i really dont know la.:) and do some shopping for myself! & of course, give buckaroos to my rents.:)
i think i should go and bath. all sticky over.
HAHA, everybody said i was gng t sentosa tdy cause i was wearing tshirt & boardshorts with SLIPPERS!:) how cool.
okay, timemachine, back to 5 years ago! PSLE year. ahhhah. it was just assesments, assesments & assesments! nonstop assesments @ bsc.:) look at my idiotic bro now? watch tv, play comp, play xbox. where got do assessments. tsk, no wonder! results SOOOOO bad.
and and, my sister. everyday also sit at home and do assessments. but! maths came back with 70/100. us leh? p1 th time NEVER do assesment. but get good grades ( ehem, REALLY good grades okayyyy ). momsy told her "u stop doing assessments la" weird. everything seems to go the other way round for lilsis :)
oh, i wanted t get th PC cam, but it's been sold alr.:( so no pc cam for me! save up for th phone instead la.:( more and more people getting that phone! ughhh:( how saddening.
school was alright today. i finally understood abit of binary. its very chim tho. but, abit more understanding brainpower it's acceptable la.:( my age is 0001 0000 ahhhhhhahah, thats my binary age:)
den den, it was computing maths. hello sets, we meet yet again.:( i have never ever liked sets. so it's really:(:( saddening to study sets again. i can't wait for matrices & functions!:) i dont see how maths is needed tho. ahh, not bad at least, i managed to do most of the questions from the orientation tutorial:)
stayed back t do project. at first we were still doing lar, then everybody started playing games again! end up, i also started playing. haahah, lizhen damn cute "haiyo! why so slow one!"
it's IS day toms.:( hippy hoppy again. sure muscle ache everywhere one.:( no choice lar, dont know what to wear to school tmr also. got clothing problem ah!:(
daddy's gotta work till midnight.:( poor thing!
my shoulders are aching damn badly:( all thanks to th SUPER heavy bag & laptop that we didn't had t use at all!:(
somehow, momsy doesn't understand that i need alot of clothes!:(
oh yes. i really envy th relationship between grandma & momsy. they have really nice relationship!:) me & momsy? always arguing. reallllllly horr. but i love my momsy & grandma! :)))))
mother's day coming soon. i havent got momsy anything. no more time to get :( maybe i'll go out on friday and get her something reaaaaaaaallly nice:) maybe a watch? or or, a nice pen. or or or, hmm. i really dont know la.:) and do some shopping for myself! & of course, give buckaroos to my rents.:)
i think i should go and bath. all sticky over.
HAHA, everybody said i was gng t sentosa tdy cause i was wearing tshirt & boardshorts with SLIPPERS!:) how cool.
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