MY PACKAGING! (: so happy so happy!!
HURHUR! i'm so happyyyyyyyyyy.
i'm a HAPPY HAPPY girl! (: i received the parcel from my cousin! newly freshly imported HILLSONG score book from AUSSIE! mwaaaaaaas
was supposed to discuss stuffs related to the variety show. but guess what? after mentor left, the guys started playing games & shuffling through songs. nevermind, this is not making me angry YET.
and so the so called trying to try his best class rep, said we've to stay back tdy OR tmr ( obviously i cant. cause i've got piano. AND, piano is more important. pay me 60 bucks and i'll stay for the planning ). of course i got super pissed off la. the time given to you to do the stuff for the variety show was spent PLAYING COMPUTER GAMES which we're not allow to do so in class, and you want us to stay back till so late just to finish everything in time?! after u've finished playing game & wasted our time? no way. and you still had the cheek to say that we did not COOPERATE. know your facts right.
on a lighter note, i'm thinking of changing my piano to the one at greenridge. i guess it's much cheaper. 160 buckaroooos for 1 month, lessons are once a week & 1 hour every week. now i'm paying 231 buckaroos for 1 month, 1 and a half hours a week. both theory & practical.
so how? shld i? or maybe i shld just stop piano. hrmps.
smelly boy is out. from one place to another. gr.
i feel so ugh, and tired. ughhhhhhh.
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