i woke up, feeling rather weird. yes, a new day has started. but then again, i can't forget things that had happened yesterday. and afterall your tone, your voice sounded really pissed still. shrugs. i don't know.
take it slowly rachel :)
at least my hair fell into place this morning. a nice parting t start with :) ah, i look fat in the picture. and pink is definitely not my color BUT, seems that my pillow, bolster case, bedsheet & blanket are all PINK. whatever mannn. even my sleeping shirt is pink. ha :)
it's IS day. i want so much to skip tuesday lessons. i'm entitled to skip 2 lessons of hiphop & go for make up anytime. at least i won't get a warning letter. and CATS, there's nothing much. doesn't matter either. CATS class always has absentees. the long bod, stumpy leg. sheena look alike girl. always skips lessons. haa. :) but then again, my lecturer is NICE.
gotta hand up projects soon. CATS is due on 2nd june. so does the other 2 WP projects and COS is due on thursday. and WP portfolio is due on 5th june. when we started school. 5th june was like FAR away. but it's not actually.
i think my meal times are scrwd yet again. it always happens on tuesday. but whatever.
i should be using this time to study. shldn't i? i need to buck up on my FSP. :( save me someone.
alright, think i should be going. i love blogging so much and when there's nothing to do. i tend to BLOG.
but now, i think i'll just go print out all the lecture notes on FSP & that stupid damn exam paper, which i don't think the rather lousy, useless lecturer will go through with us.
oh correction, i don't think connie is bias, i think mani is. no? connie help those who are working, but rather against those that don't work. but mani loves the two viet guys. :) hell to you mani. i hate you anyhow.
wishing things would get better. i miss you.
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